Chapter 17: The Substitute Project

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Chapter 17

"Miss Congeniality or 13 going on 30?" Denise asked, holding up two DVDs

It was a Tuesday night and we were supposed to be studying or minding each other's business but Denise, my roommate, is so sick of being cramped with school work so she invited me on a movie marathon in our very own room.

"Hmmm, 13 going on 30." I told her. I've already seen both movies and they are one of my favorites but I feel like seeing Jennifer Garner on screen.

Denise walked over to our "home theater" and stuffed the DVD in the player.

"I'm going downstairs for snacks, what do you want?" I asked her, getting up from my comfortable position on the bed. My doctor just called yesterday that I could now walk without my crutches but I have to hold on to something when walking so I don't trigger any pain or bone, so basically I still have to use the crutches but I can walk normally if I hold onto something like a banister or somebody's arm.

"Fruit roll-ups and Doritos please." She whispered while her back was to me.

I nodded even though she can't see me and went out of our room which was located on the second floor.

It was only 6:45 and our dorm house, Marble Manor, looks deserted already. Most of them are probably out on study dates, dates with their boyfriends or just probably staying in school for any after-school activities.

I limped my way down to the main lounge where we have three vending machines and got Denise her fruit rollups, cookie dough ice cream for me and Doritos from our refectory.

I was about to go back up when I heard two girls enter the main lounge and were talking about some 'cute' boy from their science class.

"I know!!! He's like this badass guy. Did you see him sleeping during chemistry?" first girl screeched.

"Oh my god!!! Cutest thing ever!! His head was falling back and forth and his cute snore. If I was Mr. Odefield I wouldn't scold him or give him detention. He's just too cute to punish!!" second girl squealed. Then their voices become distant as they left the main lounge.

I giggled at the way they were stalking this cute boy from science class. I've read about super fanatics who stalk their idols all the time. I find it endearing and weird at the same time. Maybe if I had someone to give me inspiration or to look up to maybe I'd understand that.

I was thinking too much about stalking and the two girls when I bumped into someone.


"What took you so long? The movie's already starting, I just paused it" It was Denise who bumped into me. Fortunately, Denise caught me by the shoulders when we bumped each other or I would have landed on my rear.

"And for that, here's your Doritos and fruit rollups." I said, handing her the stuff.

Denise took it and smiled, "Thanks! Now come on, I wanna see Jenna Rink transform into Thirty, Flirty and Thriving!"


"Wooo, you stink!" Roxette cried as she fanned her face.

"Don't be so mean. We were up all night finishing four movies." I tried explaining before yawning in front of Roxette again. It's true. After 13 going on 30, Denise insisted we also watch Miss Congeniality, then after that, we decided to watch The Mask of Zorro, in hopes to see Antonio Banderas and then we watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. I guess you could say our 'one movie break' turned into an HBO special.

Underneath The Same Sky (Luke Hemmings)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon