19. Apologies

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The cookies were okay. The edges were a little darker—okay, a lot darker—than the middles, but they looked edible. I didn't think anyone would die from eating them.

I called Max and made sure I could return back to the hospital. He asked a nurse, I assumed, and he said I could as long as I behaved myself. I promised I would and got ready while I waited for the cookies to cool so I could put them in a container to take them with me.

I wore a blue top with jeans and boots and a long necklace. I kept my makeup light and simple, a little foundation and concealer to cover my slightly blotchy face and some mascara. Glancing at my reflection, I did my eyebrows because they didn't look right otherwise.

I washed my hands and headed back to the kitchen, finding a clean metal tin with a Christmas theme

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I washed my hands and headed back to the kitchen, finding a clean metal tin with a Christmas theme. I sighed. It was the only thing I had so I carefully arranged the cookies, adding some wax paper under each layer, and got my bag together, phone charger included.

I left, bag on my shoulder, cookies in hand, locking the door behind me.


At the hospital I got apprehensive looks thrown my way, but I just smiled as kindly as I could. I fought the urge to go into fight mode when I heard a little boy say, "Mama, that's the crazy one!"

I hid my face behind my hair and scowled, but made my way to the waiting area where I had lived. I went straight to the nurse's station next to it, placing the tin on it. The two nurses there gave me confused, and maybe even scared looks.

"I'm really sorry about how I acted yesterday," I began. "That wasn't me and I was acting out of frustration and jealousy." I slid the tin a little closer. "I made you some chocolate chip cookies." I smiled, hoping it didn't look fake.

"Um, thank you. You didn't have to do that." One of the nurses slowly opened the tin. Her name tag read Heather.

The other nurse, the one who had taken Wilmer to see Demi scooted closer to take a look. Her name, which I hadn't noticed the day before, was Tana.

They both took one and broke it in half, ignoring the edges.

"Actually not that bad," Heather said.

"You can see her now," Tana told me, throwing her burnt edges in a trash can under the table. She then reached for another cookie, my mind spinning at her words.

I could see her?

"Oh, I, um," I stammered, not sure what to say.

"I'm sorry, as well. I was under strict orders," Tana explained.

I nodded stiffly. "It's okay. Thank you."

"Thank you for the cookies!" Heather called after me as I headed to Demi's room.

I grinned a little as I pushed the door open. Inside, I saw Demi propped up on pillows, awake, surrounded by her family. And Wilmer. Of course.

Dianna rushed toward me and embraced me. "Oh, Maia, I heard about what happened and I am so sorry. I should have done something when-"

"It's fine. I promise," I said, cutting her off. "All that matters is I'm here now." I was only looking at Demi, whose eyes were shiny.

I went over to her and hugged her gently, kissing her cheek as I pulled away. "How are you feeling?" I asked her, and then promptly kicking myself mentally.

"Happy you're here," she replied, voice low. "Um, can we have some time?" This was directed to everyone else and they proceeded to leave, shutting the door gently.

"So..." I started, nervous about talking to her. It had been five days now and I could still barely understand what had happened. "Is that why you wanted me to go home that night?" I said it, bluntly. After five days of knowing she was awake and being unable to see her, I wasn't about to beat around the bush.

"God, I'm so sorry Maia. I just... I needed it and I caved."

She started crying, a few tears falling down her cheeks and she brushed them away.

"I... I thought I could do it. And I was for a while. But..." She stopped, her already low voice becoming the smallest whisper, then nothing at all. Silence.

"You almost died," I said, hoping to get it through to her that she needed to go to rehab. Again.

She nodded, wiping her face again. "I know. Trust me, I know. I ju-just feel so horrible."

I pulled her into my arms, leaning on the bed, as she leaned into me. "You're gonna be okay." I wanted to tell her she should have gotten help sooner, but I knew that would only hurt her more.

What she needed was support. Firm support, but she didn't need to feel worse than she already did.

Two Pieces of a Broken Heart // Demi Lovato // 2Where stories live. Discover now