17 ➳ A Short Lasting Party.

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*Baekhyunies voice* Saranhae, Saranghae!


"Okay, who were the dumb shits that didn't bring their car for some reason?"

They were all outside about to take off, when this happened. Everyone except Lay and Suho brought their cars, they didn't notice at first but now they did. Everyone shrugged in silence. Suho looked over at Minseok with the are-you-stupid face.

"This is your house. Shouldn't your car be parked here." He says, not even sounding like a question. "Well I'm sorry," he pretends to apologize. "It's not my fault my car needs some parts fixed."
He sighs, "guess we all have to squeeze in both cars, the two cars is a normal sized with four seats." He explains, "there are nine of us. Explain Kyungsoo." He signaled him as a go on gesture.

"I suppose we first fill in the seats provided." He simply says. "But the question is, who?"

"You already know these children will fight over it." Sehun said, crossing his arms.


"Dibs on the first seat!" Sehun interrupts, running towards one of the cars.

"Jesus.." one of them muttered.

"Let's just handle this like the adults we are." Suho said. "Whoever. Just fill the stupid seats." At this point, he was frustrated huffing and puffing.

And so they did, slowly the seats were full.

Allow me to explain who sits where.

First car; Lay in the drivers seat, next to him is Kyungsoo. Behind them is, Baekhyun and Chen.

Second car; Suho in the drivers seat, next to him is Sehun. Behind them is Minseok and Chanyeol.

"Okay..Kyungsoo, where does Yumi sit?"

"Well, I'm afraid this is the only best choice," he says, "she has to sit on someone's lap." Everyone froze, especially Yumi.

"What..?" She squeaked out.

"It's either that or go walking honey."

She sighed. She gets in the second car and stares at everyone with an intense glare as if she was deciding on who she should sit on.

"I'm always available." Chanyeol says, as he pats his lap with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks. But no thanks."

"Make room Minseok." She says as she makes her way to him. "W-What..?" He stutters, staring at her like she's crazy.

"Can't I sit on you?"

He stays quiet, no words come out his mouth. Only his face goes red, she thinks it's adorable. "Guess I'll sit on Chanyeol.."

"No!.. I mean.. you can .. if you want."

She grins, slowly sitting down on him. It was quite embarrassing now that she was actually doing it. She hears her heart pounding in her eardrums, this is so wrong..

But her body said otherwise.

She could tell Minseok felt uncomfortable, feeling his body heat behind her. He was embarrassed. Her arms were resting on the seat in front of her, the car was moving a lot due to the rocky roads. It made it hard for her to stay still, she kept squirming around and constantly positioning herself onto him.
"Y-Yumi... could you stop.. moving.." he didn't know where to put his hands at, she was all over him having the lack of space to put his hands somewhere. "S-Sorry.." she tries, but in the end she still moves a little.

when I first saw you. minseok ✓Where stories live. Discover now