20 ➳ College again.

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The day after the Exo members took care of her in her hangover state, the next day she decided to go to college. Minseok suggested that she should stay a few more days and that he'll take care of her absence excuse. As nice as it sounds, she couldn't afford to lose learning time. Because when those exams came she would know crap about the answers.

So there she was, in the middle of walking to the entrance of the castle like college.

When she puts the strand of hair behind her ear that fell in front of her face, she instantly remembers the short clip of Minseok a long time go doing the same to her at such a close range. She all of a sudden feel hot over cheeks just thinking about it, but don't get her started when yesterday he puts his forehead on hers, or when he suddenly called her bab-

Aigoo... Not that, why did you say that Minseok?

When he called her the.. B word, she was beyond taken aback. So taken aback that she suddenly moved away from him, as much as that was a romantic moment for them she had to ruin it with her overreacting. Don't get her wrong, she liked the feeling of him calling her "Baby~" she actually felt butterflies in her stomach.

But the truth is, she was beyond embarrassed. No ones ever called her in a nickname- to be more general, she knows that Chanyeol has called her a ton of nicknames before, but his way of saying it is in a.. how should she call it? Seductive? In a way that makes her feel like he's horny or some crap.

But Minseok was another story. With his honey like voice, when the words "baby" came out from his lips made her melt away, she wanted him to call her that a billion times if it's possible. It made her worries and pain wash away in an instant. It was as if he somehow cleansed her.

She couldn't stop thinking about it for the whole night, she thought she was going crazy.

Stopping herself from these thoughts, she focused on getting to class. That's not until some girls stopped her in the middle of the hall, they were near the lockers. "Can I help you guys..?" Yumi's voice was a bit low.

"Do you think your good stuff?" One of them asked harshly, Yumi creased her forehead. "Excuse me?"

"Just because you have a hot boyfriend, doesn't mean your good looking. Your unattractive." They spit out, the words being thrown at the girl didn't really phase her, she was use to it.

But one of them pushed her hard onto the lockers, making her drop her books that were held against her chest. "Aww look at her, so weak." It was as if this girl didn't have any heart, spitting these words so harshly. Yumi didn't know what to do or say, they were right, she was weak. People seemed to mind their own business for some reason, nobody showed signs of helping the poor girl.

The mean girl raised her hand as if she was about to slap her, when she saw her hand move she closed her eyes tight waiting for the rough slap. But she felt nothing but a yelp. Opening her eyes, she sees the mean girls hand held by a rather beautiful woman while the other girls have their eyes wide.

"W-What are you doing!?" The mean girl spoke, trying to get away from her grip, but it was no use.

"I don't know, what am I doing?" The beautiful girl spoke in a cal voice, it seemed like she was gripping onto her arm harder making the other girl wince. "Ow! S-Stop!" The beautiful girl smirked and threw her arm away, while the other made a glare with her.

"Who do you think you are?! Do you know who I am? I'm the daughter of this colleges owner/maker, if you do something to me I'll kick you out-"

"Blah, blah, blah. Shut up, I don't give shits about who you are. I'm not afraid of getting kicked out." She walks close to her and tugs on her shirt, "If I catch you touching her or anyone for that matter, I'm not afraid to do something to you. Did I make myself clear?"

She didn't even wait for her to reply, only to grab Yumi by the arm and walk the way to her class.

"U-Uhm." Yumi says, "Thank-"

"Your welcome." She immediately says, letting go of her arm. "You should really be careful of those girls, they're the definition of a bitch."

She only nods, not really knowing what else to say. "I'm Juhyun, Bae Juhyun." Reaching out to shake hands, Yumi gladly accepts it. "Soo Yumi." She smiled.

"How are you so strong?"

Juhyun laughs, "I'm not so sure myself, I guess I'm a natural."

She sure was a nice person, back there it seemed like she was one of them too. She gave off a bad aura at first, but it turns out she wasn't. She was glad.

"Well, thanks again. Ill be heading to class now."


"Yumi are you hungry? Is there anything I could do for you?"

There goes Minseok acting so sweet, constantly asking if she was okay and everything related to that. She hated it, hated it because he was just so precious she couldn't even breath properly.

"I-Im fine.."

The girl just had gotten inside his car, she was finished with classes for the day and of course, he just had to give her a ride. She refused, but he convinced her with his charms.

"Are you sure?" He asked oh so innocently, tilting his head a bit trying to get a look at her face that was trying to do the opposite to his. This made her turn away even more, she just switched to look at the window entirely.

Without any words being thrown, he gets a hold of her face before coming close to her. She could feel his cold yet soft hands over her face, turning her head to face him. Her expression was what you can say- shook perhaps?

They both look at each other for what seems like hours, but it was only for a few minutes. Her heart was racing, while his did the same. That hasn't happened to him in long time.

"I'm fine." She whispered, closing her eyes for a few seconds. Opening them again, she firstly questions why she whispered in the first place, it was in the moment. He just creased his forehead a bit, not really saying anything. She puts her hand over his that was still over her cheeks and grips on it gently, "Stop worrying about me."

"Why?" He frowns, now his hands were holding onto hers.

"I don't need it. I'm fine Minseok." She just looks at both of their hands that were together and questions herself about things.

"What are we?" He suddenly asked.

Her eyes widened, moving her sight to anything that wasn't him.

"Look at me Yumi." He said softly.

"I'm too embarrassed to do that Minseok!" Moving her hands away from his, she puts her hands over her face covering her flushed expression. He didn't expect her to answer with such a response, but at least she was honest.

He found it cute, nonetheless.

"Your so cute." He whispered, making her shiver even though he wasn't close to her whatsoever.

What was with him? He was never the type to.. flirt? Maybe he's drunk or something, why would he ask such a question to me? Why would he call me.. cute?

"Maybe because I'm... In love? Is that what they call it?"

She peeked a look at him while he was driving, he didn't glance at her whatsoever but what he did was.... Smile.

Smile like a stupid idiot.


A-N; it was a stupid chapter I know, but that's all I could afford for this. If you have any questions about any character or just in general, please comment them and I'll answer as soon as I can.

Peace and love, J.P

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