Student Council President

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"It's important.. Please Clade."

"I don't move just because of a plead, Seya.Give me something of equal value of the information you need."

"Eh? I can get you money."

"Seya...Even though I look like this,Just to remind you,I'm from a royal family."

"Of equal value? Name it."

"You are a former Adventurer right? I want a beast core of a Silver Grade Beast Wind Element."

"Oh.Okay,deal! If the information is much complicated I can compensate a Gold Grade Beast Wind Element. I have those.So you need the Core to break through?"

"Yeah.It's getting harder to break through when you become a Gold Grade Magician."

"You are getting stronger.My Father also went through alot of hardship every breakthrough these past few years."

"Our country is on constant war with the neighboring country.If we prove our strength maybe they will stop the pointless killing."

"I didn't know you have this kind of resolve Clade.Sorry for thinking you are a happy go lucky guy."

"Hmm.I am a happy go lucky person.But I was inspired by the crown prince dedication for the country.I felt,Ah-I am really not enough for the country.Someone like him deserve to be the future ruler."

"Everyone sing him praises but he looks like a fool infront of me and a lovestruck idiot."

"It's because it's you Seya."


"It's only by your side he can act that way.Without you he is just a workaholic demon and a serious perfect prince."

"I....also want to see him serious you know."

"Hahaha.Must be hard."

"Geez..Anyways about the student council president?"

"Uh--that's my brother.Wesley."


What is happening?
My heart is beating fast.

"Are you okay Seya?"


A screen appears.

Wesly Blundger
16 years old
Bronze Grade 4
Wind Element

He was an adopted brother of Clade a direct relative of the royal family. His parents sold him to the royalty because they fear him.He has abundant magic power that both parents don't have. The Blundger family want his power and register him as a son.
He has a domineering aura.
His always quiet and reserve but explode when he have enough.Has a sense of justice.

Get closer to him.
Hear his worries.
Become his friend.
See him cry.

Affection meter : -50% he hates you because he hearf alot of rumor about your mischief in the past. And because he he was slightly close with Iris,he was fed about the story of yours.

Reward Item: Ring of affection.If the heroine wears the ring in her hand.The one she loves with have a boost of 10% of her strength. Duration : 10minutes upon being worn.


"Urgh...All the quest says getting close..How can I get close with the guy who fuckingly hates me!"

"Wesly hates you? He rarely has a say about people."

"Urgh.It's because he heard about my past mischief and because of brother.But to hate me that much..."

"Ah.Iris Plauvendure.He is always the topic when I am talking to him.He really likes your brother."

" mine!"

"Whoa..Don't glare at me.Haha.It's so cute when a lil sis and a boyfriend bickers."

"Who is a boyfriend of who?"

"Anyways,I have to go.I will contact you if I have news."

"Kay....thanks again Clade."

He only wave his hand.

A student council president huh.

"I saw you talking with my brother."

And speaking of the devil.
A handsome green haired guy with a sharp eyes appears.

"Student council president....Wesly Blundger.." Seya look at him with a glare.

The feelings are mutual.
They hate each other.
But Seya needs to befriend the guy in the Target list.

"Say. You don't look really cute like your brother describes you to be."

"Urgh..Sorry for being not so cute."

"Do you know that Iris is having this complicated expression because of you?You even chase a guy in school.You are ruining his image."

"This is a family issue.What my brother does is not for you to concern about it.And who are you really,making it sound like you are close."

"Wha--Iris and I are lovers!"

A sound of my heart shattering pieces by pieces.
What did this idiot says?

A/N :
I slept 11 houra straight and forgot dinner.
I wake up thia late in the morning to find out I'm all alone in the house.
I hope I have Iris Plauvendure in real life.

I Reincarnated in Otome Game but I Don't Care (Indefinitely Onhold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat