Beyond: I dare you to prank call Misora.

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Okay! *grins, grabbing his cell phone* I think I recall her number.. *dials it in* Here we go.
(Matt:) Poor Mello..
(Near:) Did you notice how unnecessary that is B?
(Beyond:) I was dared to. And it sounds fun! Now be quiet, it's ringing.
(Naomi:) Hello?
(Beyond:) *Australian accent* Hello Miss. Misora, I work with Synovate. Would you please take a minute or so out of your schedule to take a survey?
(Naomi:) Okay...
(Beyond:) Thank you. The first question: How many magical unicorns do you own? Please inform me if they are male or female. I need your help to save the unicorns of Earth. You see, the unicorns have been going ex-
(Naomi:) What kind of survey is this?
(Beyond:) Are you not used to these surveys? Citizens take them everyday. Now, please answer Miss. Misora.
(Naomi:) *hangs up*
(Beyond:) *frowns and calls again* Ah, hello Miss. Misora, I wanted to know why you-
(Naomi:) Stop prank calling me.
(Beyond:) Do you have any empathy for unicorn rights?!

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