Mello: I dare you to kiss Near!

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....... Why..... Why me....?

(Near:) *Freezes* Please don't make me suffer as well.

(Matt:) You have too! *grins*

What did I ever do to the readers?

(Beyond:) Do it!

*groans and walks over to Near* Okay, but readers, stop daring me these things! Please!

(Matt:) Nah, you can go ahead. It's fun seeing Mello like this. *grins*

*sigh* I'll just kiss him... on the arm. The arm is as far as I'll go. *leans into Near, almost kissing his arm*

*gets pushed into Near's lips*

(Matt:) *bursts out laughing* Oh my god! I'm actually really sorry Mello, I seriously didn't mean that! I was just getting a coke!

(Near:) *freezes*

*murder face*

(Near:) My first kiss.. with Mello. How interesting. *rubs lips*

*chucks Matt's PSP out the window*

(Matt:) Noo!! M-My game!!

....Now you can get off your lazy ass for once and do something productive. *bigger murder face* ...Before you wish you were never here in the first place.

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