Long question #7

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All: I am not a fangirl. I am just a spectator. I do not have any biases. So, having said that, what are all of your sexual orientations?

(Near:) I haven't truly fell in love with anybody yet, so I merely have only a criteria as to what kind of person would suit my interests. If a man fit into my criteria, it's very possible I could fall in love with him. I don't have a lot of experience with the whole "falling in love" thing, so I can't really say.

(Matt:) I'm pretty straight.

(Mello:) *mumbles from inside fridge* Straight!

(Beyond:) It depends on the person. It's pretty possible for me to fall in love with a guy, but if I really liked him. Nothing is impossible, right?

(DarkAdeene:) Dear readers, (XD) what are your sexual orientations? Just wondering; it's nice getting to know all you peeps. :P

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