Chapter Eight: Bicornis

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Music is "Nights With You" by MØ.

Picture is Claudia Doumit as Sarai.


Osmia Bicornis

Commonly referred to as the red mason bee, Osmia Bicornis is a solitary bee that nests in holes or stems of trees. O. Bicornis is a very calm bee and are safe to be closely observed by children. They are recognized by their gingery fuzz and are found in most of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.


Chapter Eight: Bicornis

The occult shop is exactly what I pictured it would be. It's a tiny store in a line of other stores along the street, with a large window showing various magical items like crystals, tarot, and candles. Large statues of are placed among the merchandise. Violet curtains create an atmosphere of mystery.

"Stay under my collar, okay?" I tell Melizza mentally.

"Okay," she agrees, tucking herself further under my purple collar.

I push through the door, hearing a bell chime as I enter. The interior is themed like most occult shops I've seen: dark, warm colors and an er of mystery. The air smells of sage and patchouli, and candles are lit at every corner. Soft music plays in the background, and the displays show more of what was seen in the window.

From the back room, through a beaded curtain, walks a familiar face. I can see that he recognizes me as well. His name comes to mind, a memory from what Carol told me.

"You're in my math class," Stephen Strange states, gesturing to me with his finger. "You sit behind Wanda."

I nod and give a pleasant smile.

Stephen returns the expression as he walks out from behind the counter. "My name is Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you...?"

I sign my name with my hands, but Stephen doesn't seem to understand. He runs a hand through his dark, wavy hair with an awkward expression. "Sorry, I never learned ASL, despite everyone at school knowing it." He holds up a finger. "Hold on."

Stephen turns for the register and pulls a notebook and pen from behind it. He places the notebook on the counter and hands the pen to me. "There, sorry about that."

I wave off his concern and begin to write. "No problem. My name is Sarai. Nice to meet you, too, Stephen." Stephen nods and smiles, ushering me to continue. "Do you have any books on spells?"

Stephen reads the question and laughs. "We have every book on all kinds of spells. You're going to have to be more specific."

I nod and write another sentence. "Breaking protection spells?"

Stephen stares at that inquiry with a perplexed expression. "I'm not sure why you'd want to break a protection spell, but sure. I think we have something. Hang here for a minute?"

Stephen scurries into the back room, leaving me to wander about the front of the shop. I find my way over to the tarot shelf, instantly going for a deck with pastel watercolors.

"That's Wanda's favorite, too," Stephen says as he returns to the counter with a few books tucked under his arm. "She's a big fan of tarot."

I take the books from his grasp with a thankful smile. Picking up the pen and pad, I write another question. "Do you have anything on bees, by any chance?"

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