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Set in an alternate universe, where the heroes of the Marvel universe are not Avengers but normal students at Violet Hill Community College, comes a story about love, tragedy, and magic.

Sarai Rizkallah has always been defined by what has happened to her. She was left an orphan in Beirut, Lebanon, at age twelve. She wandered the streets of the capital city for almost four years, struggling to survive. After showing away on a cargo ship, she was discovered and taken in by the captain of that ship. Hal Chapelo became an adoptive father of sorts. For Sarai, her life has been one tragedy after another.

But now Hal is dead, right as Sarai decided to go back to school. The fall semester at VHCC is about to start, and she's forced to move into a dorm room after Hal's funeral. She knows that the classes will be hard, that nothing will be the same, but she never thought that it would be this different. She never thought she would meet new friends: Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, and Pepper Potts. She even rekindles her friendship with a former lover, Steve Rogers, and makes friends with plenty of other heroes in their own right.

Sarai never thought she would meet Wanda Maximoff.

But Wanda isn't the only thing that causes Sarai to hesitate. Magic is in the autumn air, and not just figuratively. A deep-seeded magic that Sarai never knew she had starts to blossom, just like a romance with Wanda. With this magic comes a destiny Sarai didn't know she had. A destiny that brings an obligation to save those in need. A destiny that will change her and her new friends' lives forever.

Honeybee | Wanda Maximoff {AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ