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Chapter 15


" Hey Michael do you want to go get something to eat? I know this great cafe." Luke said as he looked in the refrigerator, not satisfied on what food was in there.

"I guess." I shrugged as I got up from the couch after watching a movie.

"Ok. I'll get the car keys." He went pass the kitchen and into the hallway where the keys were on a frame with hooks on them.

After looking for the right ones, he found them. He let out a 'ah' and walked over to me.

"Got the keys" I smiled and we both went out the door and to his car.

He opened his door and I did too. As we both got in, he turned on the engine.

He drove out of the driveway and into the street.

We stayed in silence for about few minutes until Luke broke the awkwardness.

"Soooo" he trailed on trying to have a causal conversation.

"Can I asks you something?" I said looking at him and then looking out the window.

"Sure" he said as he looked at the road.

"You know I can't say with you right?" I said trying not to sound mean.

He looked at me with a hurt face. "I know. I just don't want to face it. You leaving me."

I looked at him with shocked look but quickly turned away again.

"" he stuttered as he looked down for a second and back at the road, not making eye contact with me.

"I can't explain how I feel when I'm with you. I been with so many people and no one makes me happy. I couldn't find anyone until I met you. You probably thinking I'm a fucking idiot right now. I honestly don't care. I tried opening up to you. But when you act like you don't want to do anything that has to with me, I break." He cracked. He looked as if he was about to cry.

I tried finding the words to say it I couldn't find them.

"I just want to be with you. I want to smile with you. Laugh with you. Play video games with you."

"I just want to be with you." He looked at me. We were both looking straight to each others eyes.

I see a lost boy not knowing where to go or what to do.

I thought for a moment.

"Luke, are you sure?" He looked at me for a sec and nodded.

"Luke I do too. All this time I honestly hate your guts. I hate everything about you. But I also loved everything about you. I know we both sound like idiots but who gives a flying fuck? I hated you because I thought you were another scum looking for a bang here in there. Doing drugs every now and then. But I realised for a while now that I love you. That one night we were playing video games and I was looking at you smiling , I was admiring you. You looked like a child, happy for once in his life. When you asked why was I looking at you, I wanted to say I love you but I didn't. I wanted to say you are beautiful but I didn't. So I'm going to say it now. I Love You no matter what happens Ok? Your beautiful and don't forget that?You and Me together? Cheesy I know." I was at urge if crying now.

"I love you too." He pulled out his pinkie and mine and lock his with mine. I smiled and looked back and the street.

"LUKE WATC-..." It was too late he slammed into a 18-wheeler, causing me to hit my head against the window making it break.

I looked over to Luke panicking. He looked okay but he had cuts all around his face because he broke his window too.

I felt dizzy and my ears hurt like hell for some reason.

I grabbed Luke and started shaking him to wake up. I was yelling and yelling until he woke up.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Don't ever leave me Michael."

My head felt like it was going to explode any second now. Before I knew it I passed out.

The last words I heard were "Michael? MICHAEL WAKE UP! Oh no god please no. Michael stay with me I need you please!!STAY!"

That was it.

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