First Day At School

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Ashley's POV:

Damn its 6am in the morning I have to get ready for school most especially not missing out on breakfast. I mean seriously I have to do everything right I don't just know why...and its so annoying.

I'm just an average high school girl, with no friends I'm just so invincible that no one even notice my existence so what's even the point of going to school early?...walking down the stairs everyday is so hectic.

I walked up to the dinning room and oh boy can I smell my mom's delicious cooking you're probably wondering what she's cooking right? Well it's mashed potatoes and some freshly made orange juice...did I even mention I like potatoes I mean I love them down.....I ate with my mom and dad since I'm the only kid they've got...

I think I'll head up for shower now I don't wanna be late... I gave my mum a goodbye kiss and hugged my dad, I guess my sweet shower is Waiting for me to take my bath...I always love to sing some of Eminem's song while in shower with hot water pouring down my face....I finished my shower and dried myself up in my cute TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) cotton towel....

yeah I can finally feel my body but still I don't know what to wear should I wear something classy?...old fashioned? Or maybe nerdy?....nah I just couldn't so I walked up to my closet and picked a blue high waist denim jeans, a white crop top, a white Gucci canvas and watch, a crazy kinda denim jacket, my cute ring and choker, a Gucci bag and finally I never forget my bandana's...

I picked them all to my bed....uhm I almost forgot to do my hair....I quickly combed it and did a high pony tail just like Ariana Grande, I got dressed grabbed my car keys and left for school.....

I would normally take 20 mins to get to but today I beat my record and took just 10....I mean how cool is that.
I packed at the packing lot and I started praying on how no one should piss me off else they regret it....I walked through the hallway to my locker picked some needed items and left the rest....

My first class today would be English I went straight up to my class but couldn't help but notice the stare at me IMAO (in my arrogant opinion) I'm young Nicki I took a seat and jot down some notes in the class and lucky me a girl spoke to me I mean a whole me Ashley Turner who never had friends other than TV's, Music and junk foods.....

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I can't imagine what it looks like without a friend.....
Read more and find out if Ashley became friends with her.......

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