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The following day, Amia had been welcomed by mine and Harry's family, that were all excited to see her for the first time.

She had seemed quite excited to see all those people for the first time. She had met my mother and father, Celine, Conrad and Sandy and my brother and Lucy.

She had gotten her first gifts, which includes a cat puppet she's particularly loved and that she keeps in her crib next to her now.

She had enjoyed the company, until they had wanted to hold her. It's not even been one day, but she only wants to stay in Harry's arms, unless she's hungry. In that case, I'm good too. She never wants to leave him, probably also because he never puts her down. Harry, obviously, is extremely pleased with it.

"I need to go pick Andres up!" Harry tells me, while he rocks Amia between his arms.

"I can hold her, if she's not asleep yet..." my mother, who's decided to stay for a little longer, tells him. He slowly nods his head and walks over to her to pass her an almost asleep Amia. As soon as she realizes what is going on, she widens her eyes and stretches her arms toward her father, before starting crying, letting her pacifier falling to the ground.

"It's ok, sweetie! It's ok... daddy's coming back soon!" My mother tells her, while keeping rocking her between her arms. Harry gets the pacifier from the ground and goes to the bathroom to wash it, before leaving. He gets a clean pacifier from the bag and gives it to Annalise.

"I'll be back soon, angel... don't cry!" Harry whispers to a crying Amia, leaving a very long kiss on her forehead. Her cries only get louder when she sees him leaving.

"Lord... she's already crazy for him!" My mother chuckles, walking toward me and sitting on my bed, facing me.

"Can you blame her?!" I chuckle too, stretching my arms toward Amia. She comes to me very willingly and she slowly calms down, leaving her sniffing and with puffy, red eyes from crying. At this point, Annalise gives her her clean pacifier back.

"She got it from her mother..." my mother playfully rolls her eyes and I just chuckle. "How do you feel?"

"Fine... I can't wait to leave, to be honest..." I sigh. I can't wait to be and see my new house and go back there with her and my future husband.

"Yeah, I bet..." she chuckles and nods her head.

"Do you think Andres is gonna take it well?"

"Yeah, he's a good kid!" I nod my head and smile.

They come after fifteen minutes, more or less. Harry walks inside with Andres, trying not to do too much noise, when he sees that Amia is sleeping in her crib. Andres curiously walks straight over to her and looks at her for a few seconds with his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's a girl?" He asks, looking up at me and I slowly nod my head.

"Her name is Amia!" I add.

"That's such an ugly name!" Andres distorts his nose and tells me with honesty, making us all laugh for his straightforwardness.

"You can call her Mia, bud..." Harry tells him, stroking his head. He huffs, looking up at Harry, with a sad expression on his face.

"Why a girl?! Can't you put her back inside and make come out a boy?" He looks over at me and we all laugh again.

"I'm afraid that's not exactly how it works, monkey..." Harry tells him amused. "But you can still play with her, I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun."

"Can she watch wrestling with me?" Andres asks his father.

"Definitely not!" He shakes his head, turning serious, while I roll my eyes at him.

Remission [H.S. MATURE AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن