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"What did you say?" Harry immediately says, looking at his daughter with his eyes and lips open wide, probably not fully believing at what just left Mia's mouth. "Say it again for daddy!" He says, taking her from my lap and keeping her into his. Mia looks at him with her eyebrows furrowed for a few seconds, without saying anything at all.

"Mia, I'll buy you the biggest toy ever!" Harry practically begs her. "I'll buy you a castle!" He quickly says, when he finally thinks of something more convincing.

"Daddy," she says again, with a proud smile on her lips. Harry immediately stands up with her, raising her up in the air, unable to contain his own happiness, while Mia laughs at his excitement, obviously happy that she's encouraging this reaction in her father. She's said her first word and it has been "daddy". I'm not surprised at all. And of course he couldn't be happier.

He tightens Mia between his arms, against his chest, and starts peppering her with kisses everywhere.

"Did you hear it, baby?!" He excitedly says at me and I nod my head, smiling at him. I stand up and walk toward both of them, kissing Mia's cheek too, to congratulate her on her first word.

"Congratulations, my love!" She smiles at me. "You'll say mommy next, right?" I ask her hopefully, but she just looks at me without saying anything at all.

"I'm sure she will!" Harry nods his head and kisses my cheek too. I'm happy for them and the strong bond they share, I really am.

"Why did I get nothing when I said daddy?!" Andres asks him, tugging at his pants to capture his father's attention. His arms are crossed over his chest and he has a pout on.

"You said mommy first!" Harry immediately answers. Andres sighs at his father's words and then shrugs his shoulders, going back to his game.

"I love you so much, angel..." Harry tells Mia, who quickly gets distracted while playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"Let's go eat now..." I tell them, walking back to the kitchen to take out food out of the oven and to put it into our plates.

While we eat, Mia repeats the first word she's learned more than once, when she understands that she can get her father's attention faster than when she just cries or whines and the fact that Harry is so happy whenever she says it encourages her too.

As soon as we start cutting the chocolate cake, she starts whining again. Usually, we don't let her eat too many sweet things, but they're not forbidden from her menu. She just can rarely eat them.

"Should we give her a really small slide?" Harry asks me, when he sees Mia getting agitated in her high chair.

"Yeah, let's..." I nod my head and I take a plate for her too. She finally calms down, once that she sees the plate in front of her. I take a small amount of cake with a fork and bring it to her mouth. She quickly tastes it and agitates her hands into the air like she does every time she's very happy or particularly excited. She definitely likes chocolate.

"You like it, baby?!" I tell her, in her favorite high-pitched voice and she waves her hands in the air in response. "Good girl!" I exclaim, once that she takes another bite.

Once that we all finish our lunch and that I'm done doing the dishes, I reach Harry, Mia and Andres in Mia's bedroom. She's supposed to take a nap, but they're all still playing when I get in.

"Time to nap, guys!" I tell them and Andres immediately huffs.

"Can't you let her stay up?" He asks me, battling his eyelashes at me.

Remission [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now