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It wasn't supposed to happen like that, not right now. The last time has been difficult for me enough, I don't think I can handle one more time, especially not when I was supposed to do it at my pace and have it monitored until the very first start of it.

I'm once again in a hospital room in front of someone that, even if he's not telling me just yet, knows that I don't have a lot of possibilities to go through with it.

Hell, I'm pregnant and I can't even be happy about it, because I always end up thinking about how long it's going to last this time. Will it be longer than last time? Or it'll happen earlier?

"You don't have to worry too much, it just means that you'll have to be extra careful." The doctor quickly tries to calm me down, probably seeing the look on our faces.

"When I had the second miscarriage I went through some check-ups and I've been told that I would've never been able to go through a full pregnancy..." I say, taking a deep breath. I feel Harry's hand, grabbing mine and holding it tight. I move my eyes on him and he gives me a sad smile.

"Well, you're pregnant right now and it can be monitored 24/7, you just have to be extra careful, as I've already said and you'd have to run a few more exams, now that we know you're pregnant." The doctor says. He's more optimistic maybe, but I know that it can't be that easy.

"We actually already have an obstetrician in New York, that's where I am from..." Harry talks for the first time since the news. I quickly move my eyes on him and I can't help but show my surprise. If he wants me to have an obstetrician in New York it means that he actually wants to stay there and I can't imagine him taking all this time off his job, but I can't say I mind.

"Oh, that's alright... then I suggest you to go check him as soon as possible, don't waste any time." We both quickly nod our heads. "What can I tell you so far is that you have to be at absolute rest. No exercise, no swimming, absolutely no yoga, no matter what you read online." I nod my head at his words, memorizing all the things that he's saying. "And most importantly, no sex."

"Got it..." I nod my head, while Harry just remains silent. "Thank you so much for everything." I smile, getting up from my chair and Harry does immediately the same.

"No worries... best of luck with this pregnancy to both of you!" We both shake his hand, before leaving his office.

Once we leave the doctor's office, we both feel very dazed. I can tell by the way Harry's looking around, probably still processing the new pieces of information, just like me. I wonder what his reaction will be, once we're left alone. He didn't want this, not right now and I can't imagine how he's going to take it.

None of us wants to talk about it now and like that, with a sleeping Andres around, so, just like me, he waits to remain alone with me, before saying anything at all.

When we get back home, the first thing Harry does is putting Andres back in his own bed, while I walk to our bedroom and sit down on our bed to wait for him.

I feel my nervousness grow when he comes in and closes the door behind him. He gives me an attentive look, from the doorway, before slowly walking toward me and sitting down next to me.

I just look at him, wanting to hear anything at all from him, but he does the same, for a time that seems endless, before his lips curve into a soft smile. A smile that makes me forget about all my concerns, at least for now.

"He said some positive things and others that are not so positive, don't you think?!" He takes my hand and strokes the back of it with his thumb.

"You are not mad?" I ask as the first thing, feeling extremely relieved that his first instinct hasn't been that of taking it out on me, for once. He furrows his eyebrows at my question.

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