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I twisted the handle to what used to be my house. Gerard and I's house. But, not anymore. I found the door to be unlocked, so I walked in, heading straight upstairs to our room. What was our room, anyway. I walked in, noticing Gerard probably wasn't home. Probably with that same hoe again. I grabbed my black suitcase from the corner, and began throwing all my clothes into it. Luckily I didn't have too many, so it didn't take too long.

When I was done throwing in my clothes, I went to the bathroom to grab all of my toiletries and my straightener, along with my hair dryer. The door was locked, and I tried knocking, but there was no answer.
"G-Gerard?" I called hesitantly. I put my ear on the door, trying to see if there was any noise being made. I didn't hear anything, which is probably scarier than anything else.
I dropped to my hands and knees, looking under the tiny crack between the floor and the carpet. On the floor I saw red. Liquid red. I screamed, and stood up, kicking the door in with all the force I had.

There sat Gerard, against the wall, his arms around his knees, his head down. I noticed beside him the blade.
"GERARD!" I screamed, shaking him. He twitched, showing me he was alive. His head slowly began to raise, and I could immediately tell he was drunk.
"Gerard, are you okay?" I asked, panicky.
"Just leave, Nikki. I don't want you, you're disgusting, and I'd be better off without you," H.e spoke sharply through his teeth, standing up as I did. I felt tears well up in my eyes, grabbing the rest of my stuff and storming out of the bathroom, and throwing my items in the suitcase.
Gerard glared at me, and I lost it.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING ASS, AND I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU'RE DRUNK, WE'RE DONE," I screamed at him. I thought I might've seen regret in his eyes, but it was probably just the light.
I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house as fast as I could, running across the street and leaving my bag on the porch. I had to do it. I didn't have a purpose anymore. Frank could live without me, and I sure as he'll knew Gerard could.

I didn't have any paper, so I had to use something else instead, my phone.
I began walking in the right direction, and tears were streaming down my face the whole way. It took about twenty minutes to walk, and it began raining. Surprise, surprise.

I found the cliff that hung over the ocean, and I took steps at a time. I stood on the edge, and took out my cell phone.


I'm really sorry, but I just can't deal with this anymore. Please don't look for me, and stay like the cool guy I know you are. I love you, Frank, and thank you. -Nikki

I hit the send button, and made sure the message went though. As soon as it did, I threw my phone off the edge, and watched as it splashed into the salt water that I would soon be submerged in. I gazed over the edge, and placed one foot in front of the other, until I was at the very tip of it.

I felt the ground disappear from my feet, and I flew.

I hit the water, and I must've been hallucinating because I heard another splash minutes after mine. But, I felt my heart slow, and I was finally gone.

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