Sobs and Explanations

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Hey my little killjoys!!
So, it's like 5:30 in the morning.
And I'm bored.
So I'm gonna update a little bit.
Yep I'm on crack


Frank and I walk through the door, soaking wet from all the rain. I went ahead and sat down on the couch, and Frank began making coffee. Tears were still running down my face, but I couldn't help it. He had already gotten drunk and stupid and made out with some whore once, but now he's fucking sober and cheating on me?! Hell, he probably already hooked up with her.
Frank handed me my coffee, and I took a sip. I was surprised when it was exactly the way I liked it. More sweet than bitter, and more creamy than black.
"How'd you know I liked it this way?" I asked quietly, trying to start conversation.
"I guess I'm just observant..." He trailed off, then asked me the one question that made me break. "So if you don't mind explaining... Wh-what happened?"
I broke down in sobs again, Frank's arms around me to comfort me.
"He, he kissed her! Some girl that I didn't even know, and-and he looked like he knew her, and... He was probably cheating on me, and I just can't take it!!" I wailed. But being the sincere best friend Frank was, he just held me against him, rocking back and forth and soothing me.
"Shh, it's okay, princess. I'm here for you, it's gonna be alright,"
And with that, I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up in Frank's arms, and I realized he must've fallen asleep on the couch with me. It felt strange, but it didn't.
It felt strange not feeling strange. If that makes sense.
My eyes slowly adjusted to my surroundings, and the first thing I saw was Frank's cute face, asleep.

~wait, did you just call him... Cute?~


~of course it's me! I'm in your head. You can't escape me, mwahahaha~

Just shut the fuck up, jerk.




I sighed, annoyed at my brain. Apparently I sighed a little too hard, because Frank began to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes, his gorgeous, hazel, puppy dog eyes. As soon as he fully woke up, the sides of his mouth began to twitch up, forming a small grin.
"Morning," He spoke.
"Morning," I replied, returning the smile. We both sat up, yawning and stretching.
"Hey I have to run across the street to Gerard and what used to be my house so I can grab all my stuff. Er, no I can just grab a hotel. I'll text you whenever, I guess," I spoke. I mean, what choice did I have? I didn't want to be a burden on Frank.
"What? No! Er, I mean you could stay here, ya' know... If you wanted to,"
"No, Frank. I'd bother you too much."
"Nikki, I want you to stay here." He told me, his eyes meeting mine.
"Well.... Okay. But I'm sleeping on the couch,"
He gave me a disapproving look, mumbling something under his breath. I didn't quite catch it, though.
"Okay well I gotta go grab my stuff. I'll be back in about half an hour or so," I told him. He nodded, and I walked out the door, ready to walk into my used to be house for the last time.

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