Mall Day part 2

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"Where should we go first, m'lady?" Gerard asked in a posh voice, making me giggle.

"Hmm... MUSIC STORE!!" I yelled. I grabbed his hand and practically sprinted there, wanting to get inside. As soon as I walked through the doors, I gasped.

"Jeez, woman, wha-" He got cut off and gasped, too, looking at all the albums and CDs and guitars and drums. I could tell he was just as amazed as I was.

"Oh my god..." Frank said as he came up behind us, looking into the store as well.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's go!!" I yelled, everyone rushing into the big store.

We ran in the store, but something immediately caught my eye. I looked and saw a gorgeous guitar on a stand, seeming as though a light was shining down on it from heaven. (It was beautiful, okay?!)

"Woah..." Frank said, staring in awe.

"Back off, Iero, I call dibs!!" I glared at Frank playfully.

"Hold up, you play?" He asked, confusion in his voice.

"Yeah, I play!! Guitar is my life!"

"Awesome! I play, too. It's awesome." He responded.

I looked at the price tag and almost cried at what I saw.

"300 DOLLARS??!!" I yelled.

I sighed angrily, walking to Gerard who was across the store and rested my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked.

"That guitar was 300 dollars. 300!!!" I yelled.

"Don't worry. Maybe you'll get it for your birthday, which is in 2 weeks, by the way,"

"I doubt it. No one has that kind of money," I told him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started carrying me back to the front of the store to the guitar section.

"Which one is it?" He questioned.

"That one," I pointed to a white guitar that had black circles starting in the middle, sort of like a bulls eye type of thing.

"Woah," He breathed, obviously astounded by the beauty of it.


Gerard just carried me out of the store, heading towards Starbucks. I immediately smelled the scent of coffee as we got closer and closer.

"Mmm," I hummed. I really wanted some coffee. Gerard just grinned at me, walking through the door and setting me down gently, his hand still laced in mine.

"What can I getchya, sugar?" A nice looking woman about the age of 50 asked us, looking at Gerard first.

"Uh, I think I'll just get a coffee, please. Nikki?" He said, turning to me.

"I'll do the same. Thank you," I told the woman. She smiled and nodded, turning and getting the two coffees ready. She handed it to us and smiled.

"4.50 please," She said. She seemed like a very nice woman. Maybe I could ask her if they were hiring, considering I had no job.

I started pulling out my money, but Gerard stopped me.

"Gerard, you're not paying." I told him, looking him into the eyes.

"I am paying. I am the guy in this situation, so I pay." He responded. I huffed in defeat. Gerard was so stubborn sometimes. I didn't like people paying for things for me.. It made me feel bad. But, there was no arguing with Gerard.

He handed the woman the money and gave me my coffee, taking a sip of his own.

"You go ahead and sit down, baby, I'll be right there." I told him. He kissed me on my forehead and nodded, going and sitting down at a table. I turned to the woman.

"Hi, um are you guys hiring? If so, I would love to work here." I told her.

"Sadly, we're currently not hiring. But I like you, so I'll employ you. Is 4:45 to 7:50 on Sundays and Mondays okay?" She asked me. I smiled, nodding.

"That's perfect! Thank you, I won't disappoint you." She smiled at me, and I turned and walked back to the table Gerard was sitting at.

"What was that about, babe?" He asked, curious.

"I asked her about hiring. I got a job here!" I exclaimed, smiling. I knew he would be just as excited as I was... He was completely obsessed with coffee.

"That's great! What's your schedule?"

"I work from 4:45 to 7:50 every Sunday and Monday. So luckily I wouldn't be giving up Saturdays." I explained. He smiled, nodding his head.

"Awesome! Let's go find everyone else, we should probably get going. I have plans for tonight," He told me, a grin on his face. I smiled back at his beautiful face, and we got up, walking out the door as out hands were linked together.

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