"Your son" Heidi sarcastically says

"You mean, your love." Her mom says

"No, your son that just left."

"That's rude, don't know what's going on with you two, but the least you can do is call him by his name."


"Back to your question, not always, just the weekends or sometimes he stops by during the weekdays."


"Because your father and I Always invite him for dinner." She says.

"Ohhh." Heidi turns around, "Also I don't want to talk to him." Heidi still being a little bitter about everything.

"When are you going to tell me what happened? You were so in love." Maria says.

"I don't want to talk about that mom." Heidi pauses, "and like you said we used to be in love... or at least one of us was."

"Okay..well your hair?" Maria chuckles

"It's blonde." Heidi says

"Yes, like how you always wanted it, it suits you sweetie."

"Thanks Mom."

Heidi heads to her old room.

Later that day.

Heidi, her siblings, and her parents were having dinner.
"So honey, are you staying here?" Maria ask's.

"Yeah" Heidi replies taking a sip of her drink.

"For how long?" Maria ask's

"Do you not want me here or something, I mean I can leave." Heidi gets up but her mom grabs her hand.

The only excuse she had was to take things offensive so she could leave the house stay at a hotel and not have to see Anthony's face.

"No honey. Of course I want you here, I just meant like, are you now staying with us for like, forever right? You're not leaving anymore right?" Heidi froze and stared at her mom in shock.

She didn't know what to say or what to do, she tried to come up with an excuse but it didn't work, "Mom I have a-" her mom cut her off.

"You are done with your career, all you need is a job-" Heidi cut her mom off, "Mom I already have a job."
"Yes but not here" Maria says.

"Mom I can't stay, I have a life, I have a job already, why look for one when I already have one, and I have a friend, friends." Heidi tells her

"You have friends here, your family is here, you belong here" Maria says trying to convince her to stay.

"Mom I just came for a vacation, I can't stay." Heidi says

"Why not?" Her dad asks.

"Dad I already explained why." Heidi tells him, "But your mom is right your family is here" Jose says

"You're right, but I have a family over there too, I have Jason-" her dad cuts her off.


"Mom, dad please, don't you think I'm old enough to make my own decisions?" Heidi ask's them with a serious tone.

"Of course you are, we just miss you a lot" Jose tells her

"I know, I missed you too." Heidi replies.

The day after.

Heidi opens her eyes and the blankets are tucked around her.

It's 8:00 am and it's still a bit dark. She slides out of bed and walks toward the window, she opens her curtains.

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