Chapter 37.

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It's been about eight months since I fully established myself in California.

Since I had my breakdown, everything seemed to be going fine at the moment.

Justin wasn't that bad of a person, he is pretty nice when he wants and when you get to know him.

He was not that popular, ignorant jerk. He only liked playing the part, but deep inside he was a little ignorant.

We talk in class and usually when he comes in to my job to go out and eat, but other then that he was a very good friend.

As Kennedy and I finished in dance class I find Justin outside the dance studio.

"Hey." I smile
"Hey Princess, how would you like to come with me to get ice cream?" Justin smiles.

"Sure, I'll just leave my things in the dorm."

"I'll take them you guys run along." Kennedy says with a smile and takes my bag.

We walk to the parking lot, assuming he has a car I am wrong, I am standing in front of a motorcycle.

"Uh? So where is your car?"

"This here, my baby."

"You call your motorcycle your baby? Hey this totally fits your bad boy reputation it's the finishing touch" I say with a chuckle.

"So do you want to ride it instead of making fun of me?"

I roll my eyes.

"Sure whatever guess I could try something new." I say, Justin hands me a helmet and we leave.

It was totally different then a car ride, this was faster and the air blowing across your face it gave an amazing feeling of rush.

We arrive to an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Store, it was a small place but it felt warm and welcoming, everything inside was old fashioned and it fit the style.

"This place is amazing." I comment.

"I knew you'd like it, everyone loves this place."

"Well I sure do."

We sit down and a young woman comes to take our order.

I order a shake while Justin orders a sundae.

"Can you believe we are actually here getting along and you're not dumping water on me." Justin chuckles

"I can always ask for a drink." I  respond back.

"I feel like you secretly still hate me."

"I do, just kidding.. you aren't such a bad person."

"Well that is just good to hear." He says with a smile.

"Yeah, but dude why are you so cocky around everyone else?" I ask, "Every-time someone talks to you, you're rude."

"That is just how I am, it's my look for the school."

"Well it's dumb. You should just be yourself and not let one simple thing define who you really are."

"Well the ladies love it." As Justin says that I roll my eyes, "Exactly my point, no one does that is just in your head." I reply

"Princess you're just jealous."

"Haha, Me? I'd rather drown." I reply back and continue, "Also what's up with always calling me Princess, since the day we met."

Justin smirks and chuckles before answering my question, "I call you that because since the day I saw you, you were like this perfect little girl, that does all the right things and dances around things."

**REWRITING You will forever be my alwaysWhere stories live. Discover now