youtube channel

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"So since you are really into YouTube, Sophie." Bren started to say, holding a small black box behind his back. He raised his eyebrows and a smile started to appear on his lips. "We thought we would give you this. " Brendon continued and pulled out a blue box.

"It's the Canon Rebel. I got it for me when I thought I would start a makeup YouTube channel but obviously that never happened. So, we thought maybe you could use it for you." Sarah said, smiling.

Minutes later, Brendon had left the room leaving Sarah and I alone. "I think I'm going to try to start filming my first YouTube video."

Sarah looked away from her phone to Sophie, and gently smiled, "Okay, well try to be just happy and personable and you."

Smile. Personable. Go. "Hi, everyone. My name is Sophie Urie, and I'm sitting backstage at the Death of a Bachelor tour. I'm here with the equally great Sarah Urie." I moved the camera to her, and she waved, "And we are now going to walk around backstage and see who we run into." I quit recording. I opened the door to see Zack. He wore jeans and a black hoodie.

"Can you film?" He looked at me, confused for a second but after hesitation, took the camera.

"So, Sarah and I are now walking behind the stage. "

"Zack is filming because, he loves us." Sarah said.

He joked, "Whatever. I love Sophie not so much Sarah." I frowned at his diss to Sarah and kept walking.

As Tyler strolled down the hallway scrolling his finger over the screen of his camera, I started to grin softly, but I remembered I was still being recorded so I tried my best to hide it. I noticed that both Sarah and Zack were now glaring at me. Didn't hide it well enough.

"Hi, Tyler. " I spoke to him. He would have dropped his camera if it wasn't strapped around his neck.

"Hi, Sophie." He grew this huge smile on his face.

"Oh, We are Vlogging." I announced to him.

He turned back to the camera and started to say, "Oh well I am Tyler Smith Price! I have a channel to. If you dare follow me, it's @TylerSP on everything and @Tyler S Price on YouTube. I upload on there frequently."

"And what do you do here on the tour?" I questioned him for the camera.

"Oh I'm the assistant photographer to Jake for the tour."

"Well, okay. I will see you later, Tyler."

"See you later Soph." His words melted my heart like ice cream on a hot day. They were soft yet sweet and made me just pause for a second.

"Then there is Jake." Sarah began and pointed to Jake, who was similarly scrolling through his pictures on his camera, just like Tyler did.

I blinked back to reality, "Oh this is Jake Chamseddine. He is the big known photographer for Panic!"

"Yeah! I take all the photos for the band. I got to run because, we are about to open the house for the show." Jake said as he stared at his camera. "Bye, Sophie!"

Seconds later, Brendon came screaming off stage with three shirts. "And now here comes Brendon with shirts?"

"So, I got these from the merch stand. For you, Sarah, and I." He handed one of them to me and threw one at Sarah.

The shirt was a grey long sleeve and had red cursive writing that said "Panic! At The Disco" on it.

"You better go put this on. The show is about to open the doors so, you bet to get going to your seats." He said and patted my head.

I changed into the shirt, took a picture in the matching shirts with Brendon and Sarah, saw B put his blazer over his shirt, met Leo and found my seats with my friends.

The show was perfectly breathtaking from the lights to the music to the vocals and everything in between. Better yet, my friends enjoyed every second of it.

"I want everyone to meet Tyler. He's pretty fly, I have to admit." I dragged Levi, Joel, Liam, Violet, and Lainey backstage for a hot second.

"Tyler, this is Levi." I gestured to him, "And Violet, Liam, Lainey, and Joel. "

"SOPHIE! " I hear my name yelled from the oh so familiar voice of Brendon, "It's time to go to dinner."

I raised my eyebrows and rolled my eyes and said, "I'll see you guys at school." I turned to Tyler, "And I'll see you tommorow."

I started to turn back towards Brendon's voice but was pulled into a deep, long hug by Ty. After a minute, I turned back to the group but I'll I noticed was Liam look pissed.

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