Petunia and Lily looked at Rose longingly, "Tell me the truth, Rose... Did you know everything?" Petunia asked.

"Books knew everything" Rose interjected standing up and place her book to the shelf.

"I'll prepare tea if I must" she informed leaving the room. Passing by a shocked Minerva Mcgonagall.

A clever and straight witch indeed... the old with thought.

"Good Morning professor... I- I'm Lily... This is my older sister Petunia... While the other one is my younger sister Rose" Lily greeted with her widest smile in her life while Petunia sighed, "I'm out of the bussiness, Lils... I need a shower" then leave the room.

So she'll be Serein after ten years... Minerva can't believe that on what she saw not more than one year ago was now an intelligent book worm... I know now what Albus meant... She really dp belong here...

The older witch followed Lily as she lead their way to the seats where Rose prepared some tea.

"And when had you learned to make tea?" Lily asked.

"Since I read a book about making tea..." Rose rolled her eyes.

Lily sighed, "Don't lie to me young lad... We don't have any book about tea"

Rose, again, rolled her eyes, "Mom bought one last week"

"And you read it?' Lily asked.

"Study it" both Minerva and Rose mumble.

Lily looked at her professor, Great! One of my professors might be a bookworm...

"What kind of tea is this, dear?" Minerva asked Rose.

Rose looked at the old witch, no one called her dear except for her mother... Mostly her father and others called her Little Rosie or sweetie pie.

"Chamomiles" she whispered, "Boiled chamomiles..."

Minerva saw a glint of shock to the little girl as she finished pouring tea to the cups and both she, Lily and Rose are now a sit.

I felt like playing tea party... Minnie mused seriously.

I hate looking like the host to this 'party' Rose is thinking the same...

Petunia should be here... Lily sighed.

"Um... Professor... Um... Mom and Dad are still not around so... Ummm"

"I think we must wait for a couple of minutes until mom comes..." Rose saved Lily from her lost of word. She can tell that Lily is frightened or panicking.

Minerva nod, seeing that most of the Hogwarts' house traits are in this kid, She acted much like her father... Calm... Dauntless... And Intelligent... Damn an another Ravenclaw...

She looked at Lily, Definitely a Gryffindor.... Or maybe Hufflepuff... She knew a cub for the first look... She thought Lily will be one of them... Gryffindor for sure...

"So... Ms.Evans" she turn to Lily, "Where are your parents?" It's hard sometimes to deal with silent children...

"Their... um... Well... umm" Lily, otherwise, is hoping and wishing for Rose to save her again.

Rose, however, hate saving her sister so she pinched Lily's hands which, on her point of view, were shaking.

"Ouch..." Lily whimpered threwing her hands in the air...

"I believe professor Mcgonagall is asking you a question... Lils" Rose sip her tea quietly.

"Wh- what? Oh right... Well... Professor.. Mom is out for shopping stocks... Dad had a job to do" the red head witch smilingly said.

I believe I'm done doing my duty... Rose thoughts as she's done sipping her tea and standing up, "If you excuse me... I need a shower"

She left the dining and went her way to the living room. She caught a glimpse of Petunia dropping a letter to the bag of the old witch.

I knew it... Rose smirked as she passed the living room.

Petunia hoped that Rose didn't saw her...

That letter will depend on her faith to the Wizarding World...


"Thank you very much professor... We entrust to you our daughter in the future" Carol speak as the guideline and rules are done to be spoken.

"You can trust me for that Mrs.Evans" Minerva smiled, "Oh... And by the way... Can we speak for a moment"

She looked at Lily, Rose and Petunia, "Privately"

Carol looked at the girls and they already left...

"For what, professor?" Carol asked.

Minerva sighed, "When did you have your youngest daughter, Mrs. Evans?"

Carol sighed, "She... Well... Um... Rose is not ours..."

Minerva nod, knowing that Carol is still going to say something, "Please do continue..."

"She just appeared on our door December 21, ten years ago... She still didn't know about the reality" Carol mumble, trying to low her voice as possible.

"Why haven't you told her, Mrs.Evans?" the professor asked.

Carol looked at the bookshelf, "We don't have any information to give her... I need to be honest for myself that Rose is a type of a skeptical, curious, cunning and intelligent... If we told her the truth... She might asked for her real parents... I don't want saying none to her or lying to her..."

Minerva nods...

Carol looked at the professor, "Why did you asked anyway?"

"Next year... She supposed to get her Hogwarts Letter... The headmaster is planning to meet her... To tell her the truth" Mcgonagall said.

"Do... have any information to give to her?" Mrs.Evans asked.

"Yes... I believe the headmaster do... He's not planning something he didn't know.." Minerva smiled.

As she stopped talking, the door opened revealing Rose, "I'm sorry to disturb you professor... Mom... Dad's home..."

Minerva stood up smiling, "It's fine Ms.Evans... Were done talking"

Rose smiled, walking inside and get three books, "Dad wishes for you professor to have lunch with us... That's if you wish to"

Carol can feel tears on her eyes as she saw Rose smiled, she never knew that there will be a day, she can see the young lady smile (cause her face is always covered by a book with her nose in the middle of the book).

The rest of the day came to be Lily and Minerva fetching Snape to get some school supplies...

Leaving the rest of the Evansses in home, and Eileen visiting Rose for more books...


Later that night, Lily talked everything about their trip to the Diagon Alley to Petunia and Rose and soon, Mr.Evans lead the girls to their room.

After knowing that the three were asleep, Carol talked to Edward about something Minerva had told her this mid morning...

And soon, the couple made it to bed... Who the hell knows what are they doing!?


I still sucks at writting!!!! Well I know too long than my other chapters.... Expect too many time skip for the next one...

Serein B.L

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