Three's a crowd

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Well, my heart knows me better than I know myself
So I'm gonna let it do all the talking
(Woo, hoo, woo, hoo)
I came across a place in the middle of nowhere
With a big black horse and a cherry tree
(Woo, hoo, woo, hoo)
• • • 

Callum's POV

"I'm pregnant..."

I stare at Joey. Can she? Is she? How? Oh, wait, fuck... all we've been doing is fucking and spending time with Ryan, then fucking again.

"Callum?" Joey's hand moves in front of my face.

"Wow... you're pregnant..." I'm surprised, and happy, but mostly surprised... I just didn't think that it would happen. "I can't believe it."

I pick her up and kiss her while spinning her around. She laughs and squirms out of my arms. "We need to set up an appointment and make sure everything's okay."

"Calm down..." I smile at her and she returns it. "I'll make an appointment, but right now I want my quesadillas."

I move out of her way and she sits back in her seat and starts eating. Let's see, we started having sex everyday since our wedding, so I'm assuming she's about a month along? I mean, it was January, so our baby will approximately be born in October if not November. Ryan was born in October, as well as Joey.

God, I'm so fucking happy! I sit beside Joey, and Manuela passes me a plate of mouthwatering quesadillas and I dig in.

"Ryan and Baby are going to his house to play after school... so at about five or so, we have to go pick her up..." I look at Joey.

"Why are they so attracted to each other?" She looks at me.

"Well he's cute, super smart, loves sports, and listens to her blabbering 24/7..." She smiles. "I think it's cute. He likes her a lot. Maybe they'll be together in the future. By that time, we will have known him most of his life, and he should be trusted, you know."

"Yeah..." She looks at me and raises a brow. "I want her to test the waters... she doesn't just have to be with him."

Joey nods as she takes a bite of her quesadillas. "I understand. I didn't test waters after you got me pregnant at sixteen. You were my one and only sex partner. You were what...  eighteen? Nineteen? I wasn't even supposed to be in that bar, but I was..." She laughs. "I didn't have time for sex while taking care of Mimi and Ryan. In all honesty, did you not recognize me without the mask?"

"No... but I've also had sex with parents of girls, so it would be hard to remember you from your face, but I remember your mouth. You had a very talented mouth for someone that was a virgin."

She snorts and then giggles. "I'm just very talented." I roll my eyes and continue to eat. "You love me, so don't roll your eyes at me."


Joey and I show up to Mary and Fred's to pick up Ryan. We get out the car and walk to the front door and knock. Mary opens the door and we smile at her.

"They are in the movie room watching Moana." Joey snorts and giggles. Mary lets us in and we make our way to the movie room to see them sitting on the couch. Ryan's head is laying on Baby's legs as they watch Moana.

Joey whips out her phone and takes pictures as I stare at them. The credits roll on the movie and Ryan's snores fill the room. Joey puts her phone away and picks up Ryan. Baby kisses Ryan on her forehead and Joey smiles real wide. I leave the movie room and walk towards the living room when I hear Fred and Mary's voice.

"Fred, we have to talk about where Baby is going to live if we die anytime soon. We are in our sixties." Fred sighs.

"Maybe, we can talk to Joey and Callum about it. They're young." Mary coughs.

"I have a bad feeling and it won't go away Fred..." I quietly walk into the room and smile at them. "Can we ta-"

"Joey and I will gladly take care of Baby if anything happens... just put it in your will." I smile at them. "Just let us know when it's done."

"Okay." Joey walks in with Ryan in her arms. "We will see you guys later..."

We leave and go home. Joey lays Ryan in her room then comes out to the pool and sits beside me. I stare at the water.

I don't know how Joey would feel about us taking Baby in with a baby on the way, but I'll be damned if I let that child get out in the system because his parents died. It's just not happening. Ryan would lose her shit because that's her closest friend.

"Babe, what are you thinking about?" I look over at Joey and she cocks up a brow.

"How'd you know I was thinking?" She smiles a little.

"Your forehead creases." I nod. "Anyways, tell me."

"Mary and Fred are going to give us Baby when they die... and I feel like that's going to happen soon." She nods.

"I'm okay with that. We'd just have to be paying for two kids' tuition at the school, and then when this one comes and starts school, we'll have three." I nod. "We can afford and make it."

"I know, babe." I stand up and pick her up. I throw her over my shoulder and carry her inside. I throw her on the couch and lay on top of her. "Let's go to sleep."

"Fuck, you're heavy."

Joey (18+)Where stories live. Discover now