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Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
• • •

Joey's POV

*unedited*                Joey's POV

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^engagement ring^

It's been four days since our "engagement" and we are now at the school setting everything up while Ryan plays with some of her friends.

I set the wine bottles on the table and take a deep breath then sigh. "Everything's done." I look at Callum and he smiles as he walks to me.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?" I nod. I know he's playing the part but I'm not. I've wanted this for a while and I've kept it to myself. It's real to me and it will be planned to be my dream wedding. "All these parents are old..."

"Well you're old too, Callum." He raises his brows at me and I smile.

"I'm twenty four...three years older than you." I snicker.

"Exactly, old man."

I feel a small hand hit my thigh. I look down to see Ryan looking up at me with a big smile. Callum looks around the gym. A boy about two years older than her stands shyly behind her.

"Mama, I want you to meet my boyfriend." Callum's head snaps to us and he glares at Ryan.

"You're too young for a boyfriend." Ryan stomps her foot and I try to hold back my laugh.

"His names Baby Lewis and he is my boyfriend and you will like it!" She stomps both her feet and I look away as I smile. I look back at them and Callum crosses his arms.

"I want to meet his parents." Ryan glares at him. "Ryan."

"Fine." She mumbles and they walk off. I sit beside our table and look at my phone I got yesterday. A message pops up from my dad and I open it.

From Dad: How's the fundraiser thing going?
To Dad: Hasn't started yet but Ryan has found her a boyfriend and Callum's not having it.
From dad: Oh shit! What's his name? Where does he live? Who's his parents?
To Dad: His name is Baby Lewis and that's all I know until Callum gets back.
From Dad: Okay, don't forget to fill me in tonight when I come over for dinner.

I put my phone on the table and stand up. Callum comes back with a exhausted look on his face. I smile at him and he just stares at me.

"What's wrong, Callum?" He pulls me to him and hugs me tightly.

"He's a good boy...straight A's and plays football. He's six years old and is top of his class. His parents are very rich and old. Ryan acted like a golden child in front of them when we were talking." I snort. "I don't want her to grow up."

I laugh and push away from him. "Well, get over it." I smile at him.

A married couple approach our table and smile at us. "What is your guys' table about?"

"Our vineyard. The best wine in California." Callum speaks so smoothly to them, and I just stand there as the woman's husband stares at me. I guess it was a bad idea to come in what I'm wearing with my hair straightened. I mean, what's wrong with a strapless maxi dress? It shows off my curves and all, but no need to stare. "My fiancé and I run an elite business and expect the best from every single employee."

"My husband and I might lay a visit to your vineyard." Callum nods and they walk away. Callum turns to me and I bite my lip.

"I don't like the way he was looking at you... I saw how uncomfortable you were." I nod.

The event comes to and end and we sold a lot of wine. We are down to one bottle when an older married couple walks up with Baby in tow.

"Hi, you must be Joanna Reed! I'm Mary Lewis, Baby's mom." I smile and shake her hand. "We would love to buy your last wine bottle."

I hand it to her and she pays for it. "Baby is such a cute boy." She smiles at me.

"Ryan is very sweet. She looks just like you and your husband." I smile brightly at her as Callum talks to her husband about business. "My husband was iffy about letting Baby have friends that are girls."

I scrunch my brows at her and she lightly laughs. "Fred is dead set on him being the best of his class with no distractions and barely lets him have friends over, but I convinced him that this would be good for him."

"Ryan is smart and keeps to herself. She's very reserved like her father." I lightly chuckle. "Sometimes I wonder how she survives without throwing a million questions or talking a lot like most kids."

Mary chuckles. "You should come to our dinner party tomorrow night. It's a casual thing...wear whatever you are comfortable with. Oh, bring Ryan with you, too." I nod. She hands me a card with her name and number on it. Callum and Fred stop talking and look at us.

"Let's go, darling, We have things to get done before tomorrow." The both of them leave and I pack all of our stuff up.

The three of us leave and go home. My dad comes over and I fill him in on Ryan's friend. He gets over protective just like Callum. I ignore him as I help Manuela put the food out. Everyone gathers around the table and digs in.

"Callum...Nicole and I have something to tell you." Everyone looks at Jay as he looks down and then back up at us. "We are having a baby..."

Everyone stays quiet, but Ryan breaks it with a high pitched giggle. "Congrats." Nicole and Jay nod towards me.

"I need a drink..."

Joey (18+)Where stories live. Discover now