I got you

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When the tears come streaming down your face
'Cause you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could it be worse?
• • •

Joey's POV

Floating around in the pool is relaxing. The warm sun heating my body, making me glow. Nicole and Ash took Mimi and Ryan out for the day while everyone else stayed here and waited for the arrival of Mister Reed.

Shook Ones Pt II starts playing from the pool speakers and I lightly hum to the song. I hear a splash from the other end of the pool. I turn my head and see Callum leaning against the side of the pool.

I turn my head back and ignore the fact that he's in here with me. I feel two hands underneath my floaty then push up. I start to panic as he flips me and I go underneath the water. The pool's ten foot deep from where I am and I keep sinking to the bottom.

I never knew how to swim...I just floated around. My back hits the bottom of the pool as I watch Callum try to get to me. I wouldn't say I was trying to kill myself, but if this is going to be the way I die...oh well.

My hair cascades around my face in waves as Callum pulls me up to the surface. I violently cough as water comes out my mouth and nose. Callum puts me up on the concrete and I push him away from me.

"What were you trying to do? Kill yourself?" I stare at him. "God! Can you be anymore stupid?! You have two people who fucking depend on you and you would leave them just like that?!"

He moves away from me and starts pacing. I notice a man who looks just like Callum standing in the distance with Amy, holding her back.

"You think your life is so fucking hard don't you? Moving in to fulfill my needs and getting pregnant then killing it?! For fuck's sake you have two precious girls who fucking love you and wouldn't trade you for the world!" He's trying to understand me by hurting me and it's not going to work. I haven't felt anything in a while. "You know I thought I could never have kids but you...you got pregnant...you didn't tell me and then it died because of me!"

I stand up and look at him. "I killed my only child all because of who you are related to." I scrunch my brows together. "Oh, don't play this game with me!"

I raise a brow and he glares at me. "I fucking threw you into that table because you are fucking Grady's sister! I thought you were against me and that he was using you to bring me down!"

Wow. This asshole. Grady and I don't even acknowledge each other. "You came at the wrong time that day, but I probably would have still hurt you because of him."

"I came into your office to fucking tell you I was fucking pregnant!" I was done. I couldn't take it anymore. He needs to hear what I got to fucking say! He stares at me. "I was so fucking happy that I got to bring another life into this shitty world, but I was not happy it was with you. You fucking ruined me! You sent me in a downward spiral. I fake smile everywhere and I can't even look at my own fucking daughter without seeing your fucking face! You fucking ruined my fucking life."

"What are you talking about?" He calms down a little. Amy and his dad, I'm assuming, walk to us. "Joanna, what are you talking about?"

"Three fucking years ago...I was at a bar drinking having fun with my friends when you fucking came and got drunk and convinced me to let you go home with me. We had sex and then you left before I woke up. I found out I was pregnant and it was down hill from there. I reached out to Grady, but he ignored me...I even tried my dad but nothing there either." I take a deep breath. "I knew who you were the night at the strip club. I thought you'd be smart enough to figure out Ryan is your carbon copy in form, but you're not."

"Who is Ryan?" We look at his dad.

"Ryan is my three year old daughter. Amy was the only person who knew." A small pattern of feet approaches us and I turn around to see Ryan smiling really big. I squat down to her height and smile. "Hey, baby girl, how was your day?"

"Good. We went to the zoo and eated ice cream." I smile at her and pick her up. Ryan looks at everyone and smiles at Callum. He returns the smile as a small tear falls down his face. "Why are you crying?"

Callum shakes his head and smiles at her. "No reason, sweet cheeks."

"Mama, can I say it?" I slowly nod and she looks at Callum. I let Amy tell her who her father was because I physically and emotionally couldn't. "Daddy..."

Waterfalls fall out of Callum's eyes as he stares at Ryan. Ryan frowns and quickly jumps on to Callum and hugs him. "I sorry I made you cry..."

"It's okay, baby girl, you are worth crying for." I smile. I am eternally happy now.

"Babeeeeeeeee, come back inside. I need you inside me!" I snort as Cassidy ruins the moment.

"If you do not get her out of this house, I will rip her to shreds!" We all look at Amy who is fuming right now. Cassidy makes her way to us and smiles at everyone but me.

"Hey, guys and monkey." Did she just call me a monkey? Hell no! I look at her and she snorts. "Hey, cutie!"

She goes to pinch Ryan's cheeks, but I slap her hand away. "Don't touch her."

"And if I do?"

"You're gon get got..." She scrunches her brows and goes to touch her again, but I deck her in the nose. She screams in pain and holds her nose.

"You will fucking pay for this!" Cassidy charges at me and we both go into the pool. Cassidy holds me under water as I struggle to breath. I kick her in the stomach and she lets go. I relax and float back to the top and try to get to the side of the pool, but I get pulled back under. I kick her in the face and she lets go a second time. I resurface again and get to the side of the pool. Callum's dad pulls me out and I sit for a second when Cassidy comes back at me and pulls my hair. "Fuck me."

I reach for her hair and jerk her to the side of the pool. She hits her face on the side and goes limp. I let go of her and she sinks to the bottom.

I move away from the side and catch my breath. Almost drowning twice today is tiring. I feel tiny arms wrap around me and I smile.

"Mama, you okay?" I nod.

"Let's get you guys cleaned up." Amy takes Ryan and I get up and walk into the pool house. I go change and dry off and make my way to the house. It's dinner time as everyone gathers around the table.

I sit in the empty seat beside Callum. "So, miss Johnson, how are you related to Grady James?" I look at Callum's dad.

"My mom slept with his dad and got pregnant...twice. Mimi and I are his. I went to Grady's wedding and that was the last time I saw him."

"Well, I'm Marshall, this shit head's dad, along with Nicole..." I nod. "Why'd you keep Ryan from Callum?"

I sigh as he watches me. "Your son is hard to track down and with lack of money I gave up. If I were to find him, I probably would have gave Ryan to him so she could have the life I couldn't provide for her."

"She can still have that life, Joanna..." I scrunch my brows...How'd he know my name? "Amy filled me in on everything..."

I nod. Everyone starts eating and making small talk when the door swings open and Cassidy walks in with a gun pointed at the girls. Manuela charges at Cassidy making the gun fire off and I cover the girl closest to me. Screams fill the room and I look up and see Mimi lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I leave Ryan and grab Mimi in my arms.

"Wake up, mom, please, wake up!" I shake her, but she lays lifeless in my arms. "Come on, babe, please..."

Someone peels her away from me and wraps their arms around me.

"I got you..."

Joey (18+)Where stories live. Discover now