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It had been a couple of days since Klaus had given everyone the protection speech. I was walking through the woods with Damon, laughing about the past when a brown haired woman stood in front of us. I have never seen her before but she looked at Damon and I with disdain. "Damon, I need your help." Who was she? She was gorgeous. "Sorry Kathrine." Damon spoke as she looked me over. She lowered her voice "It's about Klaus." I looked at Damon. Damon looked worried. He turned to me. "Go to the house. Call him." I nodded and ran at vampire speed. I get home, pull out my phone and tap Klaus' picture. It rang twice. "Hello, love." I was in a panic. "Klaus, there's a female. She came up to me and Damon in the woods." I heard a knock on the door. I went and answered it. Klaus walked in. "Are you ok?" He grabbed me as if looking to make sure I was in tact. I looked at him and told him what happened in the woods. "She asked Damon for help. He told me to go straight home and call you." He nodded grabbed both my shoulders. "What was her name?" I looked around as I thought. "Kathrine." His eyes grew wide. 

He grabbed his phone and called Elijah. "Brother, Katerina has made herself known to Damon and Sam. Send Rebekah to Sam. Meet me in the woods. Look for Damon." He hung up the phone and looked at me "Stay here and wait for Rebekah. Do not leave this house." He ran off

The littlest Salvatoreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن