Love doesn't make you weak

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My brothers and I finally got home. I went and sat on the couch. Stefan on one side and Damon in the chair across the room. Damon was the first to speak after taking a sip of his drink. "So what happened? Why did you leave Klaus? The truth would be great this time." I looked down at my shoes. "I had just gotten back from my friends house. She was a powerful witch and she has a special gift. To be able to tell if a female is pregnant." Stefan interrupted "Was?" I nodded. "Klaus killed her when he couldn't find me." Stefan looked at me with realization. I continued "We had done a spell. She had read a prophecy that and original hybrid would get a female pregnant and the baby would rise to power. And with the child, was the choice, to be good or evil. The child has the ability to heal and rule all supernatural creatures." Damon looked at me "So my nephew will be badass. Like his uncle." I smiled. Stefan added "or niece." "We did the spell and it confirmed that I was, in fact pregnant. I went home to tell Klaus, when I overheard him talking about killing someone. I couldn't have my child around that. So I packed my things then left." Damon nodded. Trying to digest the news. "So how far along are you." I looked at him. "approximately 12 weeks." Stefan looked at me "how long is a pregnancy?" I smiled. "40 weeks" He nodded.

We heard a knock at the door. Damon got up and answered it. I heard a very familiar voice. I followed it to the front door and stood stunned. Elijah. I ran and jumped in his arms. Throwing my arms around his neck. "Where have you been? Oh my goodness, how I have missed you." I said. He laughed a little, hugging me back. "I missed you too, Samantha." He let go of me and looked at me. "Can we talk for a minute?" Damon spoke before I could answer "Sorry she can't. Maybe tomorrow." I looked at Damon. "It's okay Damon. I'm safe with Elijah." Damon growled and went inside as I stepped outside.

We started walking towards the woods. "Samantha, I was told you have left my brother." I looked at the ground and said "You wouldn't understand Elijah." Elijah stopped me and made me look at him. "What I do understand is that I have never seen Niklaus look at someone the way he looks at you. I have never seen him act towards anyone the way he does you. He loves you, Samantha. And love is hard to find. I have only found it twice and both times I've honored it." I interrupted. "This is different, Elijah. You can't fix it this time." He looked at me and smiled. "I have but one request." I looked at him. "And that is?" I asked. "Talk to him." I looked at the ground, tears forming in my eyes. "I can't do that Elijah." He put his index finger under my chin and pulled my eyes to him. "Why is that?" Tears running down my cheeks. "If I talk to him, I won't be able to stay away. And right now, I have to be strong. I'm sure you understand." He smiled and talked softly. "Loving someone doesn't make you weak, Samantha. On the contrary, it gives you something to fight for. It makes you stronger if you can love." I shook my head. "I just can't Elijah." I ran from him. Slammed the door, leaned against it and sank to the ground, crying.

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