Samantha Louisa

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I couldn't help but to love Klaus. He was the one who had helped me through my transition and showed me the world. There were things I wasn't telling him and he knew this. I was laying in my bed. I needed to go to Atlanta today to see a witch. I looked at the time 7:43 am. It was early but I needed to get on the road. I got up and started packing my clothes and things for a couple of days, when Damon walked in. "Going somewhere?" I looked back at my protector. "um, yeah. Just for a couple of days. I'll be back before you know it." He smiled at me, there was something he wanted to say to me. "What's going on with you, Sam?" I looked at him with confusion. I was faking it. I couldn't tell him about any of my life after I left. At least not the truth, because he wouldn't be able to handle it. "Nothing." He smiled, I'm sure he knew I was hiding something. He could always tell when I was. "Stop lying to me, Samantha Louisa." Oh no he used my middle name. "There is nothing wrong, Damon." I looked at him reassuringly. "Well when you want to tell me, I'm here for you. Like I've always been." I nodded as he left. I got my things and headed to my truck. 

I had a jacked up Chevy. I loved it. I was on my way to Atlanta, thinking about everything. How am I going to handle all of this? My brothers will flip. I don't know how I'm going to tell Klaus or Elijah. Elijah and I were best friends. I always could go to him about anything. Until one day, he disappeared. I didn't know where he went or why. Klaus said he went to go find someone, but it was very unlike Elijah to just disappear like that. He had left before but always told me where he was going and that he would be in touch. The funny thing is that he didn't even call me after he left. This was just awkward. 

My exit came up. Atlanta was huge. I went to a bar where I knew a witch that could help with what I was going through. I walked in and she greeted me. "Samantha, how are you doing darling." I smiled. "Um, can you do it now?" She nodded her head and motioned for me to follow her. We walked to the back room. She already had candles lit and the herbs ready. I laid on the table ready for the spell to start. She chanted for a couple minutes. When she stopped she looked at me, "Samantha, you're pregnant."

The littlest SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora