A Mikealson

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My eyes fluttered open when I heard something downstairs. I looked out the window, it was morning. I got up and walked slowly down the stairs. Please don't let anyone be dead. I walked to the kitchen finding Damon cooking. It was just like old days. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, smiling at him. He wasn't that good of a cook when he was alive. He would burn water, I do believe. "You know if you're going to stand there you could announce that you are in the room." He turned and smiled after he said this. "I was just remembering how you couldn't cook a century ago." He smiled. I giggled a little. "Well I've had a century to learn." I nodded.

I sat in the kitchen as he cooked. It smelled so amazing as the bacon was frying. Stefan walked in and brought me a glass of blood. My stomach started turning. It looked nauseating. I picked up the glass, put it to my lips, and ran to the bathroom. I put my head over the toilet and threw up the blood I had just ingested. If this was morning sickness this was going to suck. Stefan walked in behind me, holding my hair. After finished, I grabbed a rag and wiped my face. This could not be good. 

I walked back downstairs to find Elijah sitting in the kitchen with my brother. "How are you, Samantha?" Elijah asked. I looked at Damon and he smiled. "I'm good Elijah. What are you doing here?" Elijah then stated "We are family. Your siblings, My siblings, me and you. We need to act as such. So Damon invited us to breakfast this morning so we could talk." I looked at Damon. This was so unlike him. It was like he was trying to help. "Talk about what Elijah." I knew Klaus knew about the baby but I would highly doubt that he would tell Elijah. "How this family plans on taking care of you and the baby." I stood stunned. So I was wrong Elijah knew. Klaus and his big mouth. I was going to rip his head from his body. "No offense, Elijah, but I don't need protection. I am quite capable of taking care of myself. Thank you."

Stefan put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear "Just hear them out. They consider you as family. And with all the enemies Klaus has made, this baby is going to need all the protection it can get." I looked over my shoulder. "Don't call my baby an it." Rebekah walked up next. "Hello Sam, it's great seeing you." I hugged her. "Bekah, when did you get here?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Yesterday." I smiled. After I was turned Rebekah and I became the best of friends. I loved her like a sister that I never got to have. She walked in and sat at the table. Kol walked in next, sitting at the table without saying a word. I haven't seen all of them together in years. All that was missing is Klaus.

I walked in and sat down. I knew he wasn't coming.  Damon had cooked bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs, biscuts, grits, and eggs. It was extravagant. I smiled at I fixed my plate. passing around the food, everyone taking a little. Everyone was sitting and being nice to one another. This was like a dream come true for me, but I knew better. No one in this room could stand the other. So why are they playing nice? 

"So, what do you all want with my baby?" I asked biting bacon and setting in back on my plate. I could understand Rebekah being here. She has always wanted kids but Elijah and Kol were a mystery to me. Elijah spoke first "We want to assure the safety of this child." I looked confused. "Why?" Rebekah spoke "Sam-" I interrupted her. "Bekah, I understand you being here. It's your brothers I am confused about." She smiled and I smiled back at her. Damon and Stefan didn't say anything. They just sat and ate their breakfast. Kol spoke "Sam, it has been over a thousand years since we had a baby born with our last name. We want to assure the safety of this baby. It is a Mikaelson, after all." My eyes grew big. "Well, Klaus doesn't feel that way." I heard a voice from the doorway. "Who says I don't, love?" I looked up and saw Klaus standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes. 

"You did." I stated. frozen in my seat. He walked to me and got on his knees in front of me, looking me in the eye. "Samantha, I am frightened. I know I have never had the need to be before but this is my child and I do not want to put the same emotional scares on my child that my father did on me." I had tears well up in my eyes. "I know you won't do that to our child. You are a better man than your father ever could be." He smiled at me. "I would like to be in the child's life Samantha." I looked at him in the eyes. "Of course you will be you are the child's father." He kissed me on the lips. Tears running down both of our faces.  

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