Fighting his own demons

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I was watching Sam sleep from her doorway, the way me and Damon used to do when she was little. Damon was so protective of her and made sure father wouldn't come in and pull Sam from her bed to give her punishment before he went to bed. It has been over a hundred years since I've seen Damon's kindness but when Sam showed up, it came immediately. It was if nothing had changed in the last century. I believe that's why he is attracted to Elena. Elena shows the same characteristics as Sam. They are both kind, loyal, determined, stubborn, and both loved to a fault. With Sam, it's Klaus. With Elena, it's both me and Damon. She won't admit it to me but I'm not clueless. The way she looks at him, she's never looked at me that way.

I heard the door slam and I walked downstairs. Damon was in the living room, pouring himself a drink. "Sam ok?" I knew that would be his first question. He loved his sister, as much as he did Elena. I nodded. "She's asleep. Damon she still-" He interrupted me. Typical Damon. "I know, Stefan. She still loves him."I nodded at him. "Salvatore men have horrible taste in women, why should the Salvatore women be any different?!"

"I don't think that's fair on my brother's behalf." We turned to see Rebekah standing there. She looked almost happy. "What do you want, Rebekah?" Damon asked with anger. Damon had a way of conveying how he felt with just his tone of voice. "I want to speak with Sam. We all do." Elijah walked in with Kol in foot. What the hell? Was this a family reunion? "She is not going to be bothered right now. Thank you all for stopping by. I tell her you dropped in." Damon spoke. If they wanted a fight, there was no way Damon and me could take on all three. Elijah walked forward. "We would like to be there for the child as well as for Sam." Elijah stated. Damon spoke "You know she has a family, right?" Kol looked at Damon. Kol was never the sensible one but neither was Damon. "She was our family for over a century. And that child she is carrying has Klaus' blood too. That child is our family as well. So we would like to help." I got angry at this and Damon was too. Over a century we believed our sister was dead. "How about you leave our house?! We will talk to you about this when Sam is awake." Elijah nodded his head. Rebekah started walking towards the door. I finally had enough when I saw that Kol hadn't moved. "What does Klaus say about all of this? Does he even know what you all are doing or are you going behind his back? I just let my sister cry herself to sleep because your brother her told her point blank he wanted nothing to do with this baby." Elijah stated simply "Niklaus is battling his own demon at the moment. He will come around." I shook my head when I closed the door behind them. 

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