
We were sat in the bus in silence, neither knowing what to say.

The bus ride seemed to last forever until we finally approached Max's stop.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled whilst getting up.

"Yeah." I returned the gesture.

His gaze lingered on me as he walked off the bus.

I hated how much I wanted to run up to him and hug him, but that was selfish because he wasn't ready to tell Isaac yet.
I didn't blame him, I wasn't sure we were ready to face the consequences.

Climbing the steps to my bedroom, I made sure not to make too much noise as I didn't want to wake my mom and Matt. Or Lily.

I felt guilty for not spending enough time with my family but my mind couldn't get thoughts of Max out of my head.


Our exams were approaching, I was laying on the table in the middle of English literature class and questioning life. I wished we could be a normal couple with Max but he couldn't even ask me out on a date because we had to keep it a secret. He hadn't even kissed me yet. Heat rose to my cheeks at the thought. What was I thinking in the middle of class?

It was as though nothing ever happened, we didn't talk much apart from the occasional hey and wave and I wished I didn't feel like my feelings kept increasing for him.

"Ms Heart?"

It was like since we stayed close to each other the bond was growing stronger. I wondered if that meant that he wanted to mark me.. Which was stupid because we weren't even a couple...

"Ms Heart!" The teacher was looking at me furiously.

"Y-yes?" I looked up at her.

"What exactly were you daydreaming about in the middle of my class?"

A really hot werewolf.


"Do not lie to me, anyways, you better pay attention now. This is your last chance."


"Excuse me?"

"I meant yes... Miss."

She scoffed and turned back to the board, writing something about Shakespeare.

I felt my eyes grow heavy. It didn't help that I had spent the whole night talking to Max.

My last class before lunch was 'Physical Education' as they liked to call it, but I don't know why they didn't just call it sport. Teachers had a weird thing for fancy long names.

We were outside, in the cold and playing volleyball. I felt myself shiver in the wind. What kind of idiot would let us stand here in the winter?!

We had a week left before exams and holidays, which made everyone excited about the trip but the teachers thought they would make us work even harder since we would get some time later to have fun.

We had just played a game by the end of which I couldn't feel my fingers, and we were sat by a tree whilst the teacher told us how we could improve. This was secretly his way of telling us how much we sucked and what we could do to suck less.

The tree was shielding me from the wind and I started to feel warmer. I relaxed against the trunk as I thought about what Max was doing right now, not even realizing that I was falling asleep.

My sweet dreams of my mate were interrupted as I was frantically shaken awake. I was met with the eye of my glaring teacher who was obviously not very happy.

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