Chapter 58: Keep running

Start from the beginning

Life hates me.

I hate it as well.

The door shrieks open to reveal one of Luther's men I came to learn as, Danny. He is a man with a strong built, too muscular in fact, but it helps reduce his obvious old age. He seems to be a few years over fifty, quite evident by the fully white beard he is sporting.

"I brought food." He places a bowl of food on the floor then kicks it in my direction, making it slide until it crashes into my thigh.

"I'm not hungry." I mutter.

"Well you'll need you're strength for-" an almost silenced gunshot cuts through Danny's sentence and a blood stain begins to form on his grey shirt, right on the position of his heart. Danny's body then falls lifelessly on the floor, and I flinch due to the hard contact.

What just happened?

Through the door, appears Greg with a silenced gun, and a grinning Chase. "Nice aim, man." Chase pats Greg's arm.

"Would you hurry up and free Hailey?" Greg stares at Chase with a look which says: I know I'm good but would you hurry up?

"Oh, right!" Chase says before running towards. He kneels down and grabs the chains around my wrists.

This whole time I say nothing.

"I'm so sorry for everything, Hailey." Chase apologises and I notice the sincerity laced in his voice.

I still say nothing.

"Hurry up, Chase!" Greg whisper-shouts at Chase. He must be keeping guard.

"I'm trying the best I can," he responds. "It's not easy picking a lock with a measly bobby pin."

Chase fiddles with the chain's lock a few more times before it snaps open. My wrists immediately relax at the sudden freedom and I roll them a few times to release all tension.

"We have to go. Now." Greg commands.

"Let's go," Chase helps me to my feet which eventually buckle due to the long hours of not moving them, but Chase catches me before I could fall.

"Let go." I try pushing him away. "You are all liars! You all betrayed me."

"Hailey, calm down," Greg quickly rushes to my other side and tries to make me relax. "If you want to escape this dump, you'll have to come with us."

"No, I will not go with you!" I fight against their strong arms. "I'd rather be left here."

"Hailey, calm down!" Chase shouts at me, as if shouting will help relax a person in distress. "No one betrayed you okay? This was all part of a plan."

"You mean Tristan never meant to hurt me?" I don't know what, but something encouraged me to ask that.

"Except him." Chase faces the floor sadly. "We didn't know these were his intentions with you."

Somehow, at those words, my heart sinks further. I blame myself for thinking that maybe this was part of some scheme to finally let Luther off my back, but seeing Chase's and Greg's painful expressions, clarifies that he never really liked me.

Not one bit.

"We have to hurry up. They guards are probably getting suspicious." Greg informs us.

With a quick nod, I allow them to lead me out of the room into a dimly lit passage. Instead of taking the same way Tristan had led me through to Luther's office, we go in the opposite direction. We scurry quickly down the passage way and come to a stop at a cherry wood door which the boys waste no time in kicking it down.

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