Chapter 40: If pain is what you enjoy

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Chapter 40: If pain is what you enjoy

"Gosh, I hate you right now," I finish blowing my nose and throw my used tissue in the pile of a hundred tissues playing on my bed.

"Hey! At least I decided to stay home and take care of you," Tristan protests, gently massaging the side of my flushed face with his hand. My head rests comfortably on his arm, as he lies down next to me, with our bodies sharing heat.

"But you wouldn't have had to stay if you never made us swim at night." I deadpan.

"You're pretty when you're mad." He smiles, trying to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject."

"Okay fine. Will you forgive me?" He pouts.

"Only if you say I'm gorgeous not pretty." I smile.

"Wow." He chuckles.

For some reason, Tristan and I have been acting really comfortable together. There's no tension or awkwardness trapping us. The kiss last night didn't cause a sudden shift of change around us, instead it made us even closer to each other, locking us in our own world. Although he still irritates the living out of me, I don't mind being close to him. None of us have admitted our feelings to each other, but mentally, it feels like we have.

"Can I ask something?" I ask him.


"Can you buy me Oreos?" I give him a cheeky grin.

"Okay." He chuckles. "On one condition."

"Which is?"

"A kiss."

"On one condition." I tease.

"Which is?"

"Do you like me?"

His breath hitches and hesitates before answering. "I don't know...All I know is that I drown in jealousy each time a guy mentions your name or shows a sudden interest in you. Each time a girl approaches me, I find my mind wondering back to the captivating hazel eyes I love, to the brown hair I would love to run my hands through. Day dreams never pass me by, and they take me to place where I have everything I want, where you are first thing on my list. So you tell me if I like you or not." His eyes never breaks the bridge leading to mine.

"So you don't?" I ask jokingly.

"Never have." He smiles and edges his lips closer to mine.

"Good. Me too." I smile back. "You're face is too close to mine. So back away 'cause you also might catch a cold." I add.

"I don't care." His lips connect with mine. They're soft and they smoothly melt into mine, and at once, I feel at home. He's gentle, and he lifts a hand to rest on my cheek, pulling me closer.

Something better than electricity sparks through me. Something better than butterflies or the whole zoo. Our lips move in sync, and pulls me closer to close whatever remaining proximity between us. He somehow maneuvers a way on top of me, and straddles my waiste, not breaking the kiss. Soon, he breaks the contact, only to trail his lips down my neck. Dé ja vu flashes my mind, and I remember the night was kissing my neck after winning the fight. Now, his lips feel hot against my skin, exploring the skin on my neck. He finds my weak spot and a moan betrays me by escaping my lips. Tristan finds pleasure in this and nibbles on the spot a little longer.

He reconnects our lips, but this time they seem hungrier. He bits my bottom lip and I quickly give him access. Everything is on fire. The room is suddenly too hot, the bed underneath us feels like burning coal. I run my hand through his brown hair and tug him closer. He moans in pleasure, and his hands travel to the hem of my pyjama top-- actually his hoodie, since I never took it off. His hands travel along my thigh, then shift to my waist. His touch is warm and comforting.

I break off the kiss and stare at him, and he stares back.

"Oreos." I pout.

"Now?" He eyes burn with lust and he gives and adorable pout which is irresistible.


"But I thought--"

"Go before you're too sick to go."

"That'll be on you."

"Me?" I ask.


"Go before I do something I'll regret." I roll my eyes.

"Will it be something I perhaps may enjoy?" His eyebrow quirks up in excitement, almost as if his tail is wagging non-stop.

"If pain is what you enjoy." I smirk.

"One box of Oreo cookies coming up." He pushes himself off of me and I immediately miss his warmth.


"One." And just like that, the room is now empty. Only my heavy breath fills the almost vacant room.

The burning sensation on my lips doesn't cease. It remains in its fixed position, refusing to walk the plank. My feelings for that idiot are escalating. Fast. Uncontrollably fast. Just a simple touch can write his name on every brain cell that exists is my brain. His smile can send me melting like ice in lava, leaving witches thrown with water jealous. His warmth makes me forget that a person even has the ability to shiver in the violent cold wind.

Uh oh.

Please don't hurt me like he hurt me, Tristan.


A/N: hey guys! Another chapter down. Hope you liked it!

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-love ya!

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