"Shut up!" I smile slightly "You were never one to talk seriously like this... I guess not in my mind either."

"All jokes aside our time together was fun." Victor looks down sadly.

"What do you mean... was..?" I put my forehead against his.

"There's something I need to tell you... what's going to happen to me..." He pauses.

Suddenly the doors burst open and the doctor returns with another lung "Sir this was the best I could do!!" He places it down on the medical table next to the other jar "We had very little to chose from so this one is older..."

"Are you mad?" The head surgeon looks at him seriously "What if his body rejects it? Worse, that replacement will die out faster." He grabs onto the collar of his shirt and grips it tightly.

"I thought it'd be better than living with one lung." The doctor looks away.

"First lung attached!!" One of the nurses screams out in joy "Compatible and seems to have responded to the oxygen being bumped in."

"UGH!" Victor chokes out in pain as he grasps onto me. "I thought... I'd have more time..." he rests his heavy body against mines and we both fall back onto the floor.

"That's great!!" The head surgeon turns around to see the progress.

"Victor...?" I look down to see his feet starting to disappear.

"Don't look!" He snuggles into my chest violently causing me to look up at him.

"What's happening to you!" I cry out holding him in my arms.

"I don't have time... but one day you'll understand this moment... you'll understand why I'm leaving." He winces.

"All you keep saying is that you don't have time!!" I shout loudly.

"Let's attach the second one as soon as possible then!" The doctors cheer in a so far success.

"To put it simply. It's the effect. Of  removing the Hanahaki." Victor starts to go faster "You knew the risks."

"Yeah I know but I don't want you to go..." I whisper as I feel my heart ache.

The doctors continue to detach the second lung and place it next to the first on the operation table. They take out the donor lung and place it within Yuri's open chest; attaching it to the airways and making artificial blood veins to ensure no complications.

"Do you remember those diary entries you put in your laptop?" Victor pulls away to grab my face with his hands on each side.

"Why are you bringing that up now?" I put my hand over his.

"You wrote them for me to read someday right?" He tries hiding the fact that he's in pain "Tell your sister to give it to me when I come to visit after my trip to Russia"

"What's that going to-...?" Interrupting me he continues "I want you to fill out one last entry. Before you forget..."

"I'm afraid I might." I look into his eyes.

"Go out and tell his family the good news!!" The head surgeon nods towards a Nurse and she dashed off out the operation room.

Bursting through the doors she heads down to the lounge where Yuri's mother, Yuuko, and Takeshi are. They all get up quickly and look at her panicked as if they're expecting some bad news.

"Hours of surgery but one lung is safely secured while the other is looking promising!" The nurse squeals in excitement for them "Go on home and sleep we'll transfer him into his regular room tomorrow morning for visitors if he's awake by then."

"Thank god!" Yuuko falls to the floor on her knees crying into her hands.

"Let's go I know you haven't gotten any sleep lately because of all Yuri's scares." Takeshi pats Yuri's moms back and smiles.

"I'm glad he's finally going to stop suffering." Yuri's mom tears up.

"Even if you do I'll make sure you get that message across one way or the other!" His body only up to half his torso "I know the treatment is working so all you'll have to do is accept it."

"If I wake up I won't know you anymore."

"The only cure is to have that love reciprocated."

"Or in this case wipe away all ones memories of their beloved person."

"The feelings disappear along with the petals."

"I don't want to forgot -..."

"This is the only way. Stop being difficult."

"But when I see you again. I won't love you anymore... or even know you..."

"Let's stay here... a little longer then."

It's been a few days after Yuri's surgery the doctor had finally decided that he's stuck in a coma. As hard as it was he was finally breathing on his own; once and a while he would respond when someone held his hand but nothing more. He's shown no signs of waking up soon. Victor on the other hand in Russia won his first competition and brought his team to victory. On his first trip back to Japan he cane to visit Yuri and the others only to hear the bad news. They lay in wait for the day Yuri comes back to them good as new.

"I don't ever want to wake up if I can't be with you..." I caress Victor's face.

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora