Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart10

Start from the beginning

But he was also angry with us, I could see it in the tight tension of his muscles.

Why would he be that angry?

We hadn't told her anything!

"This has everything to do with me" he said in a low voice, I could hear a slight trace of snarl underneath and then suddenly I realised what he was about to do.

His jaw clenched and I felt it hit me.

Raw power.

Trey was out completely out of bounds doing that.

What did he think he was protecting?

We hadn't revealed anything.

Incredibly Marli didn't seem to have seen the exchange between the three of us.

Marli's face was deathly white, even under the yellow fluorescent lighting and she looked like she was focusing on not throwing up or she was trying not to .... No she couldn't... could she?

That would be impossible, right?????

I mean, she hadn't seen or felt the split second of pain that had hit Jenny and I, making us lurch forward under the pressure of it before we recovered.

If she were like us than she would have been bent in pain as well.

None of our kind would have been able to ignore the kind of power Trey had just unleashed, without reacting... in some way.....

Then Marli spoke, breaking our silent battle of wills.

"I'm leaving" Marli said, in a low voice, between gritted teeth. Her jaw was clenched and her hands balled into small fists by her side. Her long blonde hair was hanging across the side of her face and I could see her hands shaking more violently under the effort of controlling herself. But more importantly I could feel a well-known humming radiating from her... the air around her was charged with restrained power- and it wasn't just coming from Trey.

Was she doing what I thought she was doing???

Her bright blue eyes looked fierce, almost glowing, but I could see desperate panic underneath her crumbling mask. She looked terrified. She had just wiped away a tear that had slid down her cheek. The only sign she'd given us that she actually felt something.

That this was half as painful as it was for us.

Seeing her again but being so disconnected.

Or was she just scared?

Or maybe she had felt something of what had just passed between the three of us.

God why was he here? Trey was making this infinitely more difficult for all of us. Standing behind her, like he had some sort of right to be there.

This was to do with Jenny, Marli and I.

Marli seemed panicked as she turned around, her back to us as she faced Trey.

I could see the tension in her back as she turned, the obvious strain.... Then that same humming seemed to get more concentrated, filling the air uncontrollably as if ....

Trey was staring down at her ,I could see the concern, worry and the most recognisable emotion in the whole world flitted across his face.

God it was so obvious to me now.

The connection was palpable.

How had I not instantly seen it before?

How blind had Jenny and I been not to see it?!

" Move Trey. NOW" Marli said quietly between gritted teeth, looking up at Trey.

Her whole voice echoed with strength and command.

I could feel the wave of it exude out from her and slam into me.

I know Jenny could feel it too.


How did she just do that??!!

I had only ever-met two people, who could do that, harness that much authority.

And little did she know one of them was standing in front of her.

Trey immediately moved, faster than any human could have ever done.

His face screamed with concern.

He'd even used his abilities! He hadn't even bothered to conceal them in front of her!

Now I guess I know why he has been so difficult lately... so shut off....

The Marli was running. Her body was so graceful, her movements were fluid and seamless.... Only the way our kind could move when running full pelt like that... and even under the extreme panic she'd been so obviously experiencing her footing seemed light and delicate.

But if that hadn't given it away it was the speed. No human could have ever run that fast. Marli was a blur, her blonde halo of hair shinning under the light of the main entrance doors, which she slammed open.

Then she was gone in the blink of an eye.

In a split second it hit me... Marli... Our Marli.... Running at practically the speed of light.... The humming air......Her tensed muscles... the way that everything about her seemed to have altered slightly...

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I realised that she had left before her sixteenth birthday... what she must have gone through...alone. In a new school half way across the country with no support... no guidance... how terrifying it must have been...

I felt a tear slide down my face and anger build up inside me.

"Oh My God! Trey! You knew! You knew and you didn't tell us! Ca you even imagine what she went through!?!?" I Shouted at Trey.

He was standing silently, all the previous energy he held had been knocked out of him.

" You KK KNEW and you LLL LET HER LLL LEAVE?!" Jenny said, choking on her words in shock.

Trey looked up , his face etched with pain " You think I knew?? You think I would have ever let her go if I had realised!? I only realized yesterday when she came back... and I saw her... I thought it was impossible to survive the change... that amount of pain without." His face contorted in sadness " God Marina how could I have known? She left before her sixteenth birthday. None of us could have known!!!

Do you think I would have never let her go thought that alone if I had known?" the last part came out in a if he could barley say it.

Then suddenly he was gone.

Jenny turned to me, grasping my sleeve in tears whispering " M M marli... Marli's like us. Does she know about Trey? Does she even know she's not alone?"


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