"Never mind. Those works are not that important." Most of the tasks he asked her to do were really not that necessary. He just wanted to make her suffer.

"Eh? Not important?"

"You should have a good rest for a few days. Don't do anything unnecessary, and make sure to stock your fridge, so that you don't have to leave your house often and have more time to rest, get it?" As soon as he finished his sentence, he felt that pair of eyes looking at him in that way again.

"No! Don't! Don't say that word-"

"You are the nicest person ever!"

"Hmph!" Dylan huffed. What's this? He's clearly the bad guy, but she said he's a good guy? He wanted to make her suffer, but why did he feel so worried about her? He really didn't understand himself with all these changes of events.


"YueYue, please help- Oh." Dylan stopped mid-sentence with his hand still held the document in mid-air when he realized that Shen Yue wasn't there. She used to run around back and forth, in and out of the office, but now that she's absent, the room was empty and silent. Dylan sighed; he really got used to her presence. Without her, he somehow felt restless. He silently cursed.

Looking at his watch, he saw that it's almost lunchtime. Since he already lost his concentration, he might as well grab an early lunch.

'I wonder if she has lunch yet-' Dylan paused. What was that thought? He then hit his head lightly. He was walking to the elevator when he overheard three girls mentioned Shen Yue.

"Hey, did you hear that? YueYue asked for a week off because she got injured from a robbery."

"Of course, I heard about that! Seriously, how could a person be so stupid like her? Who did she think she was when she's struggling with a robber like that?"

Even if what those girls said was true and he used to scold her the same way, he's still irritated because those girls talked behind her back like that.

"Do you plan to visit her?"

"Of course not! Why would I go? Tsk. My time is too precious for that."

"Right! I'm also not going."

"Me too!"

The more Dylan listened, the angrier he got. Was this the so-called friendship between co-workers? That idiot always helped them, yet this is how they treated her? Suddenly, he smirked before walking to those girls.

"Hi, you girls are here. What are you talking about?" Dylan faked a smile.

"Oh, Dylan!"

"I heard you mentioned YueYue a while ago. If I'm not wrong, you are quite close with YueYue. Are you girls discussing about visiting her?"

"Oh... Right! Right!" The girls looked at each other and lied.

"I see. What a coincidence! I also planned to visit her today! Let's go together!"

"Eh?" The girls were taken aback.

"But we haven't had lunch, so-"

"It's okay. We can buy lunchboxes to eat together at Yue's house. We have 2-hour break, so it should be more than enough. I'll drive you there." Dylan quickly walked into the elevator, leaving those girls panicking for a moment before they forced themselves to follow him.


Dylan brought them to buy lunch. He bought YueYue a special nutritious one. The female co-workers felt a bit relieved because they didn't have to pay for YueYue. However, they were soon proved wrong when Dylan stopped by a fancy fruit shop.

"Eh, why are we here?" Those girls asked. They a bad feeling about that.

"It's only right that we get some fruit when we visit someone. Why don't each of you get some fruit for YueYue?"

"What?" The girls were speechless.

"Let's hurry up! We don't have much time." Dylan walked into the shop, so they had no choice but to follow him.

"What? This small box of oranges is $50?"

Dylan who overheard that quickly acted on it, "You want to get this box of oranges for YueYue? You're so kind! YueYue would be very happy!" Dylan took two boxes of orange to the cashier. He waited for that girl with a smile for her to pay for the fruit. She didn't want to pay, but when the other two girls and Dylan kept looking at her, she gave up and walked to the cashier.

"Now what about you two? Have you found anything?" Dylan turned to the remaining girls. This time they kept their mouths shut, afraid that they would make a mistake like the last girl. However, when one of them accidentally looked at a nearby fruit basket, Dylan enthusiastically clapped his hands and walked to her.

"I've noticed how you keep looking at this fruit basket. You really have a great taste and kindness." Dylan again grabbed the fruit basket to the cashier no matter how hard that girl was shaking her head, begging him not to. The girl who just paid $100 for the orange cheered for her on the side, feeling satisfied that she's not the only one who suffered. Finally, the girl gave up and paid $150 for the fruit basket.

'Two down, one to go' Dylan turned to look at the last girl with an evil grin, "what about you? Have you got anything you want to get for YueYue?"

"I-" The last girl gulped.

"Maybe you don't have any ideas. Let me help you." Dylan offered.

When the last girl saw what he picked, she almost fainted. 'A box of cherries! $200!" 


*Whisper* Someone seriously needs to figure out his feeling. 

hahaha. It's another update and the last update of the day! There aren't many DyShen moments here because I wanted to include a wicked Didi. Hope you don't mind and hope you enjoy reading it! Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! :D 

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