Don't use my body!

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The first couple minutes after Todoroki came to, he had no idea he had done so, since the room was just as dark as his dreams. Everything was quiet, besides a constant droning from a specific direction. When he tried to crawl to that area, he found himself to be bound. When he found a strategy to deal with that, he made good pace.

A groan erupted from under his knee. After a little interrogation, he found the person beneath him to be Iida and from there, he just assumed everyone was near. He pressed forward, getting closer to the noise before he bumped into a wall. The droning continued but now he can make out coherent sentences.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." This was repeated over and over, the person blubbering out their sorrow. Another voice was heard, though he couldn't understand what they were saying, and the blubbering stopped. The person on the other side of the door left.

The next thing anybody in the room that was looking saw was light and the sound of screeching. Light flooded into the dark room from the wall that was in front of the two-toned boy. That wall turned out to be a metal door.

When his eyes adjusted, before him stood the boy he had been longing to see for the longest time. By now, everyone in the room was awake but he was about to be the only one not. Relief flooded the boy's being; that, and a melancholy feeling. He had convinced himself that he was never gonna see this boy again.

The emotions were all too much for him and he knew it was pathetic of him but as soon as he saw Midoriya's face, his eyes rolled into the back of their sockets and he fell limp onto the ground, unconscious. It really was pathetic, Midoriya had been through much more than a friend disappearing for a couple months, but he hadn't had so much of these feelings in a long time.

The boy in question dragged the fainted boy out of the room filled with class 1-A, class 1-B, and class 1-C students. They weren't the only ones here. Midoriya threw Todoroki over his shoulder and walked off after closing the door back.

Down the hall from that door was a staircase and up a couple flights was a corridor with doors that lead to different operating rooms. Around Midoriya were other U.A. students carrying their classmates and schoolmates. Some struggled to get out of their hands, others were unconscious, like Todoroki. Some cried and some just laid there in their friend's arms, accepting that they couldn't fight back.

Down the hall aways, Midoriya turned into a room and not-so-gently placed his friend on the metal slab. He didn't forget to strap his waist, neck, hand, and legs down to the table before leaving. He went back down to his designated cell and did the same to other students. Strapping their hands, legs, waist, and neck down. The strap that went around the neck had dull spikes on the inside of it, like a dog collar. That's so any kids that think about struggling when that happened would be dealt pain without actually killing them.

Bakugou was the hardest to tame. Shinsou tried to cancel out Trinity's mind control with his own but Midoriya was prepared with flashcards. Iida tried to run but his internal injuries didn't allow him to. Many tried to run or fight back but none of it stopped the green-haired boy.

And nothing was gonna stop the green-haired boy. Unlike the other puppets, he was strong, he even dealt with the students that succeeded in escaping their classmates, while dealing with his own prisoners. That was also according Trinity's orders, to him specifically.

Midoriya's mental state was at a standstill, it was all too much for him. Now he was subjecting his friends and schoolmates to immediate danger. He's heard what Trinity said earlier that day while she was talking to someone on a computer, what she was planning, and they most likely weren't going to survive the onslaught. Later that night, everything quieted down. People were no longer going back and forth from the basement to the first, second, and third floor.

Broken Mind {Villain Deku} TododekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora