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I changed the POV because I am clearly better at third than first so mleh~ the last chapter. Since the last chapter was cut short; WARNING: GORE AND MENTION OF SOME TOUCHY STUFF


Midoriya stared down at the liquid soaking into the fabrics of his white socks, staining them red. Tracing the perimeter of the puddle, something obstructs his pursuit of the measurement. A scream ripped from his throat almost painfully as he recognized that 'something' as a someone. He ran to the body and the green hair they had was not reassuring. He turned the poor woman over and rested her head on his lap. Confirming his suspicions that the body was his mother's, he began to shake her while hysterically crying.

"Mom! Mom, please wake up!" He yelled, gripping her face in his hands, trembling. He retracted his hand like he was burned, and inspected the crimson liquid that adorned the skin of his palm. Tears poured down his face and he couldn't stop them even if he wanted to. At this moment, he looked entirely defenseless, he was a five-year-old child that got lost. He sobbed obnoxiously loud, his face to the sky, lightly shaking his mother like she was in some sort of sleep. 

He wasn't ready for her to leave him yet and when he began to get dragged away from the corpse, he kicked and screamed, not caring who it was or the scene he was making. He had to get back to her and shake her awake, she wasn't dead, she couldn't be. 

Apparently, the neighbors reported screams in his apartment and when the police arrived, the entire complex was shut down and turned into a crime scene. Midoriya wouldn't let anyone touch him or come near him as he leaned against the cop car, weeping into his bloody hands. When the police tried to give him a blanket and get him cleaned up, he screamed at the top of his lungs, not caring if he sounded like a girl. 

The officer slowly backed off, noting his skittish actions; they didn't know what they were talking about, saying that she had committed suicide. They didn't want to give him any details about her death but he had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't suicide. Midoriya's mother was murdered but those daft idiots would not listen to him even when he yelled it straight to their faces.

The screams that Midoriya produced didn't only alarm his neighbors but a certain heterochromatic male that was just a few blocks away. Disregarding his curfew, he rushed back to the source of the scream which was undoubtedly his green-haired companion's. 

Upon arriving at the scene, there were loads of patrol cars and an ambulance. He roamed around the cars until he happened upon the sobbing boy. He crouched down next to Midoriya, who was sitting against a police car and gently laid his hand on his shaking shoulder. The green-eyed boy slapped him away, startled.

Looking at his face, Todoroki found bloody handprints adorning his cheeks, and it would be amusing... if it wasn't blood. Tears leaked from his eyes and mixed with the blood that sat in its way, making it look like the boy was crying blood. As Midoriya looked at him with frightened eyes which hurt his heart, the heterochromatic male noted one of his eyes was red, stained with blood that somehow made it past his eyelids. 

Midoriya, realizing it was his friend and the hurt expression his actions caused Todoroki to wear, shot into his chest and cried even harder, guilt fueling these tears. He didn't want any of these cops to touch him, their sorrow was forced. It was just their job to comfort the victims and he didn't want any false pity.

Todoroki had no idea what to do, he wasn't built to comfort someone, but the melancholy feeling he felt for something he had no idea of made him embrace his classmate. An officer approached them from behind Midoriya and handed the boy a rag and a blanket. Taking the hint, Todoroki nodded and set the blanket on the ground, grabbing the rag.

Broken Mind {Villain Deku} TododekuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant