New Neighbors?

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"Bailey! Get up! We are having guests over and this family needs you to look normal for once!" My mother yells.

I groan and fall out of bed, literally.

"It's not like she can hide her hideous hair!" My twin sister calls from her room where she is listening to the horror called pop music. Five Directions are playing...or something like that.

"At least my hair is fuckin' real!" I mumble and grab my headphones and blast BOTDF in my ears. 

"You got me bewitched, 'cause I'm under your spell, Ohhh. You must be a witch, 'cause I am living in Hell,Ohhh."  I sing as loud as I can to cancel out the aweful shit playing around me.

I put in my piercings, I have snake bites, my nose is pierced like Dahvie Vanity's piercing. I have my right ear pierced eight times and have gauges and my left side is pierced six times. My eyebrow is pierced and so is my tounge.

I brush and style my hair and I do my make-up like how Andy Biersack did it when he was Andy Sixx and grab my black ripped skinnies and my black long sleeved plain black shirt and grab my batman converse and put them on as well.

"Welcome to our house. My name is Sarah and this is my daughter Taylor." I hear my mom say. 

"That's my que." I think to myself.

I open my door and blast Not The American Average as I slide down the banister. "The main motha' fucka' is in the house!" I scream as I land on my feet surpirzing the nine boys at the door. 


"Louis! Harry! Zayn! Niall! Ashton! Luke! Calum! Mike! We have to meet our new neighbors!" Liam yells. "Coming!" We all yell and I run down the stairs and see everyone but Harry by the door. "Hazza! Come on!" I scream. "Coming Lou Bear!" Harry yells and comes from the bathroom. "Is everyone here?" Liam asks. "Yup!" I say and pop the "p". "Great, we're going next door!" Liam says leading the way to the house to the left of us.

Luke rings the doorbell and a second later a very blonde woman and a minature of her open the door. "Welcome to our house. My name is Sarah and this is my daughter Taylor." Sarah says.

"Hi we're-" Liam starts to say but is cut off my loud "emo/punk" music and a girl with black hair sliding down the hand rail. 

"The main motha' fucka' is in the house!" the girl screams and lands facing us. Her hair is black with neon green strikes and her lips, nose, and ears are pierced.

"Who's that?" Zayn asks. "No one. Just-" Taylor says. "Come on Tay Tay, Don't wanna be known as this mofo's twin?" the girl says guesturing to herself. "Are you serious. No one want's to be even related to you." Taylor sneers. The mystery girl throws her head back and laughs. She stops and screams in a deep voice. (A/N: Beginning of Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides) She stops again and looks at us.

"Hi'ya. I'm Bay." She says smiling.  "Im Liam." "Harry." "Zayn." "Niall." "MY NAME'S LOUIS!" "Ashton." "Luke." "Calum." "Mike." We all say.

"Y'all live next door?" She asks. "Yeah." We all say in unison. 

Are her eyes red?

"Are your eyes red?" I blurt out. "Hell yes." She says crossing her eyes. 


"Hell yes." She says crossing her eyes. "Are you done being a freak?" Taylor asks. "Why do you care?" Bay asks her scarcastically. "They are One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer." She says. "Thoses "pop" bands you listen to?" Bay asks looking at us. "Well, 5sos is edgier." Taylor says. Bay gags and looks at Mike.

"Damn it. We can't be green hair unicorn buddies." She pouts and her phone dings.

"Holy Shit! New Bryan Starzzz! Over and out space commanders." She says and runs up the stairs. "I'm so sorry for her. She is an annoying emo." Sarah says. "What?" I ask her and look at the boys who have shock on their faces.

"Come on. You must be hungry or thursty." Sarah says dragging us, literally, into the kitchen. "I'm okay." I hear Niall say. "As am I, we ate before we arrived." I say. I zone out and think about Bay, who is upstairs with wierd music blasting from her room.

"Liam!" I hear Taylor sceeching. "Yes, love?" I ask. "My mom and I would like to know if you would like to go to the mall with us?" Taylor asks. "Can we have a rain check. We just got here and would like to settle in." I lie. "Of course." Taylor says and grabs her purse and her keys. "Mom! Let's go!!" She screeches and her mom jumps up and they run out of the door.

I hear the lads let out a breath and I turn to them.

"Wanna go see what Bay is watching or listening to?" I ask them. They smile and stand up from the table. We walk up the stairs and reach a door covered in posters of us. "That must be Taylor's room." Harry says.

We walk past a plain light pink door. "Sarah's?" Luke asks.

At the end of the hall is a black door with red dripping down from the door hinges. "Bay's room." Ashton says. "Should we knock?" I ask. "Probably." Calum says. Niall reaches out and knocks on the door. 


I hear a knock on my door and scream for them to come in as I watch Davhie reach for a red jug. "Hey!" I hear the nine boys from before scream. I shush them and tell them to come in.

They gather around my laptop, which is on a SWS pillow.  By the time they all gather around Davhie pours the handfull of fake blood on Bryan's head. "Oh SHIT!" I say laughing.

"What was that?" I hear a boy ask. He has short hair and brown eyes. "Knowing Dahvie... blood." I respond.

I happen to have met and chilled with BOTDF, SWS, AA, BVB, PTV, ATL, MCR, FIR, and the other bands Bryan has interviewed. Bryan and I are close friends so sometimes we film stuff together.

"Blood? Like real blood?" another boy asked. This boy had dirty blonde hair with a slight curl. "No, it was the fake stuff, like for stage and shit." I tell him. "Fake blood on stage?" A boy with bleached hair asks. "Yeah. Them being Blood On The Dance Floor, and everything." I say and pause the interview.

"Soo?" I ask. 


"Soo?" She asks us. "Let's play 20 questions!" I suggest. She shrugs and closes the laptop.

"Curly, you can start." She says. "Natural hair color?" I ask. "Blonde. How do you know each other." She responds.

Niall takes this one. "Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and I are in One Direction and Mike, Luke, Ashton, and Calum are 5 Seconds of Summer." He says. She nods.

"Favorite bands?" Louis asks. "Blood On The Dance Floor, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, Asking Alexandria, Falling In Reverse, Of Mice and Men, and a lot more. Basically all of the Warped Tour/ Hot Topic bands." She says.

"Are you guys British?" Bay asks. "Yeah." Liam says. "We're Aussie." Luke says.

We asked questions for the next 30 minutes and we learned that Bay is an energetic person, graduated school a year early, hates mornings, hates haters, and doesn't let comments affect her.

Niall's stomach growls and Bay laughs. "Didn't eats the witches food?" she asks. "How did ya' know?" Niall asks. "Dahvie gave me his powers." She says. "Dahvie?" I ask. She jumps up and runs to a poster. "Dahvie" She say pointing to a scary looking dude with black and red hair. "Jayy." She says pointing to a taller and no less intimadating guy.  

"Uh, cool." I say. She laughs. "Come on Curly. He isn't bad." She says. I roll my eyes.

Niall's stomach growls again. "So? FOOD?!" Niall yells. "Come on. Let's go to your house. I'll cook." She says grabbing her phone. Liam shrugs and we jump up and cheer.

"TO THE FOOD!" Niall yells.

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