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Present Year: 2023

  Since the beginning of structured society, there have been rumors of abnormal humans: they called these humans Types. 

  In 2005, the rate of trauma in teenagers was at its highest. Cases including child abuse, gang violence, shootings and other situations had become the new norm. Society could no longer protect its young as it had done for so many years.

  Over time, since the beginning of structured society, there's been rumors of this cases creating Types, humans with the ability to defend themselves in unethical ways. There was always talk. A woman who'd witnessed a boy being bullied for over ten years only to snap one day and cave in his bully's skull with telekinesis. A mother whose daughter one day melted a hole into the wall to save her baby brother that was dying in the room beside her.

  Of course, all the rumors were dismissed because there was no way society would not fall into anomie had these inhuman beings become a part of it. Slowly, these rumors began to dwindle, vanishing along with the kids linked to them.

  Now though, with the rate of trauma so high, its almost impossible to hide these inhuman beings, nicknamed Types, but one organisation has found a way.

  You are a Type, one of these teenagers to suffer trauma and trigger an insanely powerful Type (what the power has been called). You might not remember it--or have noticed it--but after you triggered your Type, someone saw you using it.

  A few days later, you were stuffed into the back of a van and cuffed to a seat. In the van with you, there were two other people. One was old, face worn from frowning and etched with wrinkles. He regarded you with brown eyes, narrowed and calculating. You might not remember him well, it makes sense if you don't but he explained everything to you. He explained that they'd been alerted to your Type and wanted to help. He explained they'd test on you and keep you accommodated in a

  In a facility called Ashkam. He told you he could get rid of your Type and regardless of your cooperation, they'd try.

  The other warden in the van, the one you hadn't paid much attention to before, gripped the top of your shirt sleeve and pulled it up. You couldn't see much of her face, a pair of bright green eyes focused on your arm, the rest of her face was covered in a mask. You vaguely remember a lock of ginger hair falling into her face which she moved with her ring finger which, indeed, had an engagement ring on.

  She stuck that needle into your arm, emptying the contents into your arm in one push. It was cold and fuzzy as it traveled through your bloodstream, numbing every part of you. It made you feel drowsy but not tired, you were still there but not entirely aware. This was your first dose of D.O.M.E. It was your first taste at being handicapped without your Type by the wardens and it certainly wouldn't be the last time it happened either.

  The man grinned at you as the van screeched to a halt, hours or minutes later.

  "Welcome to Ashkam," he muttered into your ear as he pulled you out the van and into the harsh cold forest, you'd arrived in.

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