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Upon entry from the Crossing, prisoners are led to their designated rows and monitored while Rainer gives her speeches. 

The doorway that separates the Crossing from the assembly hall is guarded and the frame holds two plastic doors--the sort to be found in clinics & hospitals. A small isle leads to the front of the hall and connects with the small steps onto the stage. The stage is almost bare, a small wooden podium sits screwed to the middle of the floor and a small microphone is wired into the surface of the podium.

Speakers have been placed in each corner of the room to make sure everyone in the hall can hear Rainer's speech.

The rest of the hall has been dedicated to the benches. The isle separates the two blocks from each other in order to keep peace and every bench has a warden positioned on either side. Every bench is modified to hold five inmates each. Black tape is used to outline the space for each inmate and between each outline of tape, a leg-cuff has been secured to the metal beam. 

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