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The doors are locked without a key-card.

Upon entry into the testing labs, the lights are blinding. Fluorescent lights hang overhead in pairs. The room stretches far, narrow but long. 

The walls have been painted white and not a single stain sits on them. Traces of bleach still permeate the air, assaulting and overpowering. The floors are a white tile, so clean that they're almost reflective. 

There's two doors into the testing labs, between them there's three seats, made of stock white faux-leather. 

In the middle of the room, there's three tables, all made of steel. These tables can be lowered if the scientists so please and various cuffs and restraints are attached to the tables. 

One of the far corner of the room is occupied by a counter island. Various inmate files and substances are sprawled on the island and in the drawers there's many sterilized instruments for the scientists to use. 

The other corner contains a back-room. The room--which is barely big enough to be a cupboard--is dark inside, though a small bulb hangs from the ceiling. It used to be a toilet and though the toilet has long since been removed, there's still the pipes built into the walls. 

Beside the door into the back-room, there's a single cot bed which Handler sleeps upon. 

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