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The only entrance into Iso is from the Crossing. Once the latch is brought down, the staircase into Iso is shrouded in darkness. If escorted by wardens, there's a heavy chance they'll have flashlights but if for some reason you're alone, well good luck.

At the bottom of the steps, a short and narrow corridor is. A single fluorescent light hangs from the ceiling and a small floodlight sits between the two metal doors built into the left wall. 

A small area--which once would have been a cell--now sits on the right with the door long gone. A warden is normally seated here at the desk, attending to some sort of loose paperwork. A small fridge, and freezer, sits in the corner of the room, full of the food served for prisoners in Iso. 

Inside the two cells, which are identical, the floors are concrete and the walls painted a sickly pale yellow. The paint is crusty and peeling, revealing the plastic walls beneath, and in certain places fist-sized holes reveal the plaster beneath the plastic. A small letterbox-sized window sits flush with the edges of the ceiling, showcasing the dead grass in the Crossing above. Diagonal steel bars, sit centimeters apart, barring hands from the world outside. The only furniture to brace the cells are blankets, long since cleaned and covered in bloodstains. The only light that graces the cells come from the window or the slit in the door once opened for feeding.

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