chapter 11

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Deep down

The photo is to show what Sophien looks like.

Max's veiw


"MAX, SOPHIEN! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS'S DOWN HERE NOW!!!" Max's dad yells. His fist slamming against the oak door way with countless holes in it.

Max could feel his heart pounding knowing what could what could
Happen. "Max mom and dad are home...." Sophien says wrapping her arms around Max's thin childish arms covered in many goosebumps. That sprung to life as they could hear there dad banging each step he took. They could hear there mothers angelic steps that made there way up the stairs just behind there dad.

"You fucking cunts where the fuck are you!?" The monster they call dad screamed his feet banging against the floor boards. They ran into there parents closet. Feeling ever so 'safe' hearing the banging against the floor boards Max squeezed his sisters arm tightly. As fear reflected in his eyes pierced her heart. It shook her body as she covered his ears and listened.

"Where else would they go?" There dad answered the low level voice echoed happily.

"Nowhere the closet is the only thing that they could hide in." There mom smiled gently feeling nothing but pride in what she said as she hit the closet door making Max yelp. Sophien's arm pulled him tighter she moved in-front of him. The door started opening as Sophien reached for the knife in her Pocket.

His hand reached in the closet grabbing her by the blouse. As she sliced his hand with the knife he let her go. Frowning as he fell back in surprise his face distorted with anger falling victim to the demons inside him.

His eyes lost in a fit of rage as Sophien grabs my arm tightly. Heading towards the door way as he pulls me back and grabs her hair pulling her head in a inhumane motion. Her face distorted as I heard a loud snapping noise and her legs move quickly. He sends me a demonic glare as he smiles and stands slowly walking over to my mother.

She smiles "We should kill that off too even though it was only three we were supposed to kill off." She said her skin melting away showing someone new. As my dad followed after her his skin slowly melting away. Crimson tears coming from his eye holes as his eyes role back. Showing deep blue eyes the man shifts his look to me as tears flooded my face.

A mans voice echoed from down stairs. "You done with that one yet?"

"We have a problem sir.... there is an extra kid!" The man whom pretended to be my dad said.

"Let me see." A Man said entering the room a piercing look to him. He had icy blue eyes, His skin was as pale as a corpse, His hair was a natural white with a blue tint, A devilish smile played on his face. His movements were so fast I had a hard time understanding how he was now in front of me. He grabbed me by the chin and moved my head around.

"What are you doing!?" I quiz as I try to push his his giant hands from my face as his grip tightens.

"You have strong eyes." He smiled. "Do you want to join me you don't really have anything else to chose from" He half asks.

"Sure......I'll join you then!" I announce my face making a small smile made its way on to my face at the fact I now had a friend besides my KC. The smile was soon lost when he brought my face up more to the ceiling his sharp teeth touched my neck.



*Flashback ends*

Kaylon's small body layed beside me a smile hit my face as tears rushed to me.

~My poor bunny what did you go through?~

I twisted off the bed and grabbed my phone from the night stand. I quietly got ready for the day slipping in and out of the room to get ready. Sam came up to me smiling evilly.

"Max can you just fucking give him lilly!" Sam screamed loudly.

"I cant right now?" I shrug him off.

"You know what I can't stand the crying anymore!" Sam yelled

"Okay after his punishment...." I replied still kinda sleepy.

"What did he do now?" Sam said confusion danced across his face.

"He tried to run away again.......Do you want some food?" I said.

"Sure.....Gimme dat spagett!" Sam screamed loudly.

As me and sam discussed the move and how we would work it out My little bunny waltzed out of our room to the living room in only his boxers. (*° ་། °)=3


"Yess?" He replied to me walking over to my side hugging me. His cute atfiser surrounded him but I could tell he was a bit scared of me because he was shaky.

"where are your pants?" I quizzed

"I couldn't find them." He said bluntly.

"I have company right now.....And it makes me jealous because now my friend can see almost all of your body with those small boxers on." I whispered the last part so Sam couldn't hear it. I looked up at My little bunny whose face was bright with blush As I pulled him into my lap he held onto me by my shoulders. He just sat there listening to mine and Sam's Convo once Sam left it was extremely quiet till my phone went off my dad messaged me.....

"Little bunny?" I asked.


"Once me and Sam think your being good enough we have something you'll really like." I stated

"What is it?" He questioned a smile spilling onto his pettit face.

"I can't tell you but all you need to know is that you'll love it." I said smirking feeling superior to my little bunny. as my dad messaged again.

i'm coming overrrrr okay? Ps how's that little hoe of yours?

~Dad ╭∩╮(ಠ۝ಠ)╭∩╮

"Oh my fucking god!" I yelled my little bunny was not a hoe.

"What is i?" he asked looking worried for me I swiftly comfort him and message Sam.

SAM GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!! My Dad's coming over my poor bunny can't see him.

~ Max to Sam

He responds quickly...

OKAY!! I'm coming over now

~ SAM!!˙˚ʚ('◡')ɞ˚˙

A few minutes later Sam came into my house I regret giving him a key but ehh.

"I'm here to take KC away for the day and I have clothes for him." He said a SMIRK on his face.

"あなたが彼に触れるならば あなたを殺します!" I said to him. ^ If you touch him I will kill you!

NOTE: I'M sorry for like never posting but I just moved from different provinces and im starting high school now so things are kinda hard. 人(_ _*)

The halloween special comes out tmr.

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