chapter two

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What comes around

*the last photo was KC this one's max the next one's Samuel*

To my surprise the door was unlocked I limped quietly up the stairs. He was in the kitchen cutting vegetables the knife slicing through them. I remember my parents then my brother and grandparents. My hunger quickly faded as I made my way through the house. The front door was in sight but, The door was locked I pulled and pushed the door as hard as I could. Little did I know what was creeping up behind me untill I heard A ...

"Whatcha doing?" Behind me I whipped around as fast as I could only to see his face closing in on me his hand reaching for my head. I smacked his hand away and make a run for it. I sprinted down the uncharted hallway turning the corner as fast as I could and I ended up collapsing in a bed room I seen the bed so I crawled underneath it and started crying.

°Wham° the door busted open and there. Someone came through the doorway. As he begun to stomp around searching. He was Searching for me! I just couldn't stop crying.

~I hate him why'd he leave me. Why did he kill them? What did they do to him? They never hurt anyone?!~

As that way of thinking begun to cloud my mind someone grabbed my ankle and pulled me it didn't look like him. Am I being saved? Just then he hands me over to the man who kidnapped me.

"Thanks sam." He says as he took me from the guy who dragged me from out from underneath the bed. I started starring at Max and he looked down at me in response and I jumped.

"Mhm?... what is it?" He said his eyes were like daggers sharply pointed at me. " I nothing!" I said quickly looking down to the carpet. "Is that so?" He said as his brows drew together and his arms became tighter around me like a snake and I was a rabbit a helpless rabbit.

"Sam I'll be right-." He started looking up to Sam. "I'm going to get going now make sure to send the files on #2032." Sam said smiling and walking to the front door that was looked. His grip lossend on me.

I whipped around to look at him and he heaved me over his shoulder. "Put-me down!" I screamed pounding on his back. As he continued the basement stairs tears ran down my cheeks like a waterfall just after winter. "Why didn't you stay here?" He asked.

"It's scary down here let me go they didn't down any thing to you." I spatted. As he threw me onto the bed. He was looking down on me. "Are you afraid of me?" He started as his eyes softened. "My name is Max... what's your name?"

"My name is Kc... um how old are you?" I quitly asked over my tears.

"I'm 20" He replied. He's that close to my age? I begin to look up at him.
"How old are you Kc?" He asked as his eyes became icy cold. "I'm 16." I said.
"I thought you were 17 anyway. I'm gonna get some food. Don't leave or I'll take you somewhere you won't like!...Okay?" He said smiling.

"I'm 17 in a month." I replied. Just as he begun to leave the basement. "Why did you leave me? why am I still alive!?" I screamed throwing the hard pillow at the back of his head. He whipped around to face me, he had the same cold eyes that he did when he killed me parents and brother.

Quickly he made his way to me and said. "Do you think you can disrespect me like that?" His fist closed in on my side, leaving me to feel a throbbing sensation all throughout my side and he left the basement leaving me alone to my thoughts for a few moments. The problem is no thoughts came to my mind in the dark room as I looked at the door were he left "I guess I should try to cooperate with max even though when I see him all I picture is his face soaked my parents blood..." I whispered. He entered sticking a needle  in my side.

The basement became a fuzzy blob where life would go on a downward slope.

Note: sorry for the late post.

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