"High school has been a real journey. As Charles Dickens said, 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'. We not only face problems in high school, but also out there in the real world and within ourselves. We battled drama, grade crises" I say, remembering junior year and I hold in my grimace.

"AMEN!" the same girl from the crowd yells out.

"We battled acne, falling in the hallways, we survived Coach Diaz's PE class!" An uproar of laughs and applaud from the crowd causes a smile to spread out on my face.

"But we did it together. Despite our many differences with each other, we knew we could only survive high school together. And we did. We are the new generation and it's our responsibility to shape this world into a better one. We have the knowledge, we have the wisdom, now it's how we use that, is what defines us. How we treated people, how we made someone else's day happier, those types of things will leave back a legacy for the class of 2018. Well that and of course the fact that we are the ones who set up Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. I will be expecting that baby shower invitation in my UPenn mailbox." I remark and look out at the crowd at Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, the two teachers my class had paired together in freshman year and now 3 years later, they are married with a baby on the way. The crowd erupts in laughter and the Wheeler's blush a bright red. "We were here for each other when junior year became hectic and stressful, we were there for Tedd Greeves when he slammed his graphing calculator against the wall in anger because he forgot how to do the square root sign, or when Fred Purser slid down the stairs because of a soap prank, courtesy of prank week. Yeah, he was sent to the nurse and there were some laughs, but we didn't laugh at him. We laughed with him. We laughed with him as they reset his dislocated arm and nursed his bloody, soapy lip." I say and look out in the crowd of what looks like thousands of people.

"We have stood by each other through everything and even though we intentionally hurt each other, that's what family does. We fight, we hurt each other, but at the end of the day, we patch things up and eat some nutella and rewatch 90210. Don't let this 4 year bond of friendship end here. Bring that support system with you out in the real world because you can't change the world alone. Saint Ignatius of Loyola once said, "Go forth and set the world on fire". I leave that with you today. Go forth, make a change, leave your footprint on this world, change this world for the better. Don't literally set things on fire, I'm talking to you Dave Whitmore. I invite everyone to once again applaud for the class of 2018!" I finish off with a smile and walk down from the podium.

Oh shit, I just did that.

I-I did that.


The audience stands up and claps loudly, cheering for the class of 2018 and for my beautiful speech. I go back and sit next to Issac, who engulfs me into a bone crushing hug.

Cinnamon, otherwise known as, home.

"That was amazing Bay, I am so proud of you."

"Thank you" I say and lean up and place a chaste kiss on his lips. We sit back down, hand in hand, as Mr. Davidson, the principal, goes up to the podium.

"Now I would like to invite the students of the class of 2018 who got full ride scholarships for all 4 years of college to the stage. Save your applause till' the end. Our valedictorian Bay Stewart, Issac Evans, Asher Stevens, Armani Clarke, Cartier Johannson, Farris Green, Kasey Mendell-"

Everyone comes up on the stage to receive their awards and diplomas.

After the ceremony, we all gather up at Armani's house for a small get together.

"Drink your tequila shit heads. Even you Bay, we all need some alcohol right now."

I take two shots of tequila and down them one time, ignoring everyone's worried glances. I have been in a quiet sad mood since we left graduation and I haven't told anyone why.

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