Take Me With You: Chapter 16

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A/N: I just want to note before hand I'm not bashing fan girls, preps (although I'm not exactly lining up to go shopping for high waisted shorts that I'll pull up so high my ass hangs out, and crop tops that end an inch below my boobs.. No offense, but we all know it's true.), or One Direction. I'm just not a fan, though they have a few good songs..


Calum eventually fell asleep as I just laid against his chest. I began to notice how leisurely his breath escaped from him. I elevated my head to see his eyes shut, with a few strands of hair hovering over his forehead, and lips parted faintly. I caressed his cheek bringing my hand to the stranded pieces of hair, ending at the parted lips, once full, became thinner as I ran my thumb across them.

"I'm so happy you're back" I whispered to myself until an unbridled thought crossed my mind "When is he going back?" I squinted my eyes firmly removing my hand from his face, to my own. I pinched in between my eyes at the bridge of my nose, and groaned. I craved to feel nothing but gratification that Calum was finally next to me, though I couldn't help the inhibiting anxiety he was going to leave just as fast as he had walked back through my door.

Removing my body from the warmth of his I tread lightly away from him and my bed, my feet becoming more heavy every step I took. Finding myself in the kitchen, I sluggishly pull on the freezer door in search of my latest addition due to Calum's absence. Confetti Cake ice cream, sprinkles and actual pieces of cake included graciously. I quickly grabbed a spoon and slid down on kitchen floor, taking off the ice cream tub lid in the process. What am I doing? Why am I suddenly worrying? I should be happy. I was! I didn't understand why this unbelievable desire to cry came over me.

As I hollow out the tub of ice cream I think back once more of how I got to where I was now, and how I came to be here. All the way back to the night I was at the concert to meet Luke again.


~*~1 year ago~*~

I stood separated from a group of eager fans as I waited for Luke to show up. I took the time to admire the glimpse of the squirming staff, the sound of cheering fans already exhilarated before they even saw the boys, and the fact that I was actually back stage, at a concert. I had never had the money to do this...It was something I'd never forget.

Soon it became slightly less enjoyable as I noticed how my appearance was very different from theirs. I felt like I was back in school already surrounded by a ton of preps, and I the scene or emo outcast . All the floral dresses, high waisted shorts pulled higher than the designers intended.

My attire was a leather skirt over black stockings, ending in black combat boots, and a blue Nirvana shirt tucked in and rolled at the sleeves. I brushed a hair back behind my ear feeling slightly out of place.. Suddenly they appeared to us and the thrilled shrieks of a few girls only two feet away from me sent blood shooting straight back to my heart, causing it to beat frantically. I grew disappointed to see all the One Direction boys come in, but not Luke, or his band members.

Huddling and surrounding the One Direction band members I became another three feet away from them all as the adrenalized fans got selfies. I awkwardly watched them posing behind the phones. Ugghh why am I even here.. I look around and spot a hallway with florescent white lights installed in the ceiling above. Venturing down it in search of a bathroom I glided my hands across the large white painted brick wall and stared down at the marble tile flooring. I finally made my way to the bathroom door, but before I could enter I was caught off guard by a man dressed in all black.

"Excuse me! What do you think you're doing back here?" A large bald muscular man practically appeared from nowhere and

Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now