Take Me With You: Chapter 18

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Calum's P.O.V

I reluctantly pulled away from her the moment I recovered the thought of my reservations slipping away. Slowing the pace, I brought the fact to her awareness, too.  She groaned in displeasure, gripping on to the collar of my black sleek blazer, returning me to her warm face. Lingering kisses continued a few times after she begged,"," Com'on Calum, just bit longer..?" 

I placed my hand against her cheek, ever bit of me craving to rebel against tonight's plan, but I knew it'd be worth the wait. Loosening her grasp on my blazer, she pulled back, pursing her lips, and smoothing the cloth down. Flicking her glance up to me, glimpses of rejection were seamed into her eyes,"Y/n, I know you'll love it. Trust me, you'll love it."

A smile washed away the frown and walked towards the door," I trust you".

Somehow, I saw it in the way her words were spoken, the smile dissipated, merely just for show. Tensing my jaw I hoped that all would go well from here and she'd enjoy my surprise.. But, it didn't.

The twenty minute car ride was filled with only the radio, y/n was pressed against the window watching us pass by other cars and buildings. Glancing every so often at her, unsure if I should say something, or it now was not the time, I choose to wait until we go to the restaurant. Once I arrived I came to a stop, her head finally left the cold, glass window.

"Wow," she cooed under her breath," It's so.... "

" I hope our reservations are still available!" I withdraw from the car in excitement before I hear her finish. The car doors fill the silent air as I relinquish the keys to the valet. I see y/n appear next to me while I wait by the doors for her. Part of me felt like I was more ecstatic to show her than she was to see it. Unfortunately, they cancelled our reservation since we were thirty minutes late.

"But we're here now! Why can't we just have our table?" I couldn't help my tone from becoming irritated, I was beyond disappointed, this was the first part of my surprise, and now it's ruined.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we've given the table up. We waited half an hour for you, we figured you were not coming." He spoke in a matter-a-fact tone where there was no way of changing his mind," Please, do make another reservation some other time."

On the verge of speaking once again, volume of my voice turned all the way up, y/n stopped me," Hey, it's fine, I don't you spending so much money on me anyways."

" I get it. You didn't want to come." I grumbled," I'm sorry I wasted my time," Storming out the door, I waited for the valet to bring the car back. Forcing my bangs back in frustration, I drag out a two rectangular pieces of paper out of the inside pocket of my blazer , and sigh a breath filled with disappointment.


Y/N's P.O.V

After Calum paraded out the restaurant angrily I slowly trudged minutes behind him, the valet yet to bring the car back. I walk up to him grazing his back with my palm only for him to recoil from my touch in shock," Sorry. I didn't know you were that mad." I spat, crossing my arms feeling yet again, rejected.

"No. You just startled me." He retorted placing his hands in his pockets.

The unwanted feeling in my gut twisted and quashed any ability to form words except the ones that had been filling my mind for weeks. The squeal of car tired put an end to my thoughts, and the valet began to return my metal ring of keys to Calum. Before I knew  it we were in the car, surrounded by familiar lack of sounds.

A few blocks from my home I decided to try to make amends one last time," Look, I'm sorry the surprise didn't go as planned, and I'm sorry I didn't wake you up in time," I entangle my grip with his, but his is loose, lifeless, as if he's not there.

Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin