Take Me With You: Chapter 9

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*Calum's P.O.V.*

I woke up to Michael shaking my shoulder and poking y/n trying to wake one of us up. Thankfully I woke up first and was able to stop him from waking her.

"Come on Cal we need to go! It's 11:16, we have an interview in like 20 minutes!" He demanded again

"Okay! Okay! Just don't wake y/n up!"

y/n was apparently a deep sleeper. She was still contently snuggled under my arm, with her back against the couch. I tried to slowly slip out from under her, but when I moved she gripped around my waist tightly as if I was a pillow that someone was trying to take.

"Do you think they'd be mad if I wasn't at the interview?"

Michael laughed," You have to go mate, she'll still be here when we get back."

"How do you know that?"

"We gave her a ride here and her apartment is too far to walk."

"Oh.." I sighed.

The fact that this felt like a once in a life time moment, and if I left it might be forever until it happens again, made me want to ditch the interview so badly. Michael was right though.. I eventually got off the couch with her still asleep. She was now curled up in a ball and hugging some of the blanket in my place.

"Soo what'd you guys do all night," Ashton nudged me in the shoulder with his elbow.

"We ended up watching Oculus"

"Ohhh, was that y/n who screamed?" Luke added.

"Yeah! She jumped so high! It was hilarious.." We all chuckled.

"Did you 'comfort' her?" Michael asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"No-Well... I guess I kind of did."

"You're such a cheeky lad Calum!" Ashton cheered.

"Why don't you ask her out?" Michael's question shocked me, but honestly I didn't know why.

"I mean we've been friends for so long..."

"Oh that's true he could be friendzoned...," Luke interrupted.

Wait... Could y/n really not have feelings for me anymore?

"She might just end up with some other guy and it'll be too late."

Shit. They're right, but.. y/n.. With another guy... Just doesn't feel right..

"But I should be more focused on the band right now?"

"Lad it wouldn't be any different really. We all get along great, so she's hangs out with us most times when we're here and free," Ashton answered, "Except when she's busy.. Like with her friend Ellery or Logan ..."

Logan..? Oh right. Logan.. One of y/n's friends from her old job..

Logan and y/n are fairly close, almost us much as she is with us.. Which worried me. If what the lads said is true, she might move on to Logan......

We were soon at the interview where they asked the same questions as everyone else has, and all I could think of was losing y/n to Logan...


Your P.O.V.

I woke to the feeling of persistent buzzing in my pocket. I groaned turning on to my back.

Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now