Take Me With You: Chapter 6

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"y/n?" he replied looking at me.

"I'm in love with you, too."

A sweet smile began to bloom across his face," I know you are. Who wouldn't be?"he laughed," I get all the ladies"

" Oh ha ha Cal, very funny. You know what? I take it back."

"Whhat! You can't do that!" he whined," There's no take backs!"

"Too late! What's done is done!" I giggled.

He rolled over trying to hover above me and kiss me, but I turned away hiding my face in the sleeves giggling," No!! I refuse to be converted into the hoodlums!!!"

He chuckled," What the hell are the hoodlums?"

I uncovered me face and looked at him as if he was stupid," The Calum girls or fans, duuhh. Because 'Hood' equals into hoodlums?"

He just stared at me amused at how weird I was.

" You know what you don't have to get my genius, because you don't get my kisses or cuddles either!" I stuck my tongue out at him then quickly hid my face in covers on my bed.

"Y/N!!!" he gripped around my waist tightly making an attempt to get to my face.

"y/n..,"he whined.

"No one's currently occupying your sweater trying again later," I said in a muffled tone.

"y/n....," He whined onceagain.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but there are no conversions today. Please try to make a hoodlum tomorrow," This time I said it like an answering machine.

He chuckled, but forced the laughter away whining my name once more. This time I said nothing which resorted in him pushing my hair out of the way, and nibbling my neck. I jumped up, turning my body all the way on to my back.

"Mr. Hood, would you kindly.. STOP BITING ON NECKAGE AREA! It feels incredibly odd and ---"

My face was suddenly flooded with kisses. On my lips, forehead, cheeks, everywhere.

"Calum!!! Staapph it you weirdo!" I giggled part of me not wanting him to, but he eventually slowed down and ended at me lips. Each become softer and longer.

I dangled my sleeve covered hands around his neck while combing the bottom of his hair with my fingers.

"I'm going to miss you so much when you're on tour," I smiled at him until I saw the frown on his.

"Calum? What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I'll just miss you a lot, too..," he fell back on the bed next to me sighing.

"Well we'll have Face Time, text, calling, and Twitter if none of the others some how don't work.. Though tweeting 'I miss you soo much' might come off as more than friends," I giggled, but he didn't seem amused.

"I can't do this through face time," he kissed my lips once more leaving his face inches between mine.

"I can't do this through text," he brushed my hair behind my ear and smiled at me gently. A tear rolled down my cheek because him saying it just made reality even more cruel..

"And I can't make sure you don't do that through Twitter or calling," he said erasing the single tear..

"I know Cal... I won't be able to kiss you for 4 entire months. I won't be able to wake up next you, or hug you or cuddle," my lips began to tremble so I hide my face in his chest sniffling tears. I place my arms under his and he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a tight held hug.

" But we'll do that as much as we can while you're still here," I assured leaning my head up to kiss the bottom of his jaw then returning my face to the crook if his neck.

"Hey, Cal?"


"I'm gonna go changed into sweats and we can cuddle, unless you want to go out?" I suggested

"Mmmm.. Does cuddles and pizza sound good to you?"

"I couldn't of thought of a better idea," I cooed pecking him softly on the lips and heading to the bathroom with a change of clothes.


Sorry for the short chapter! I was exhausted, but more when I wake up!

Comment what you thought about it! I'd love to hear what you think!

Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now